road trip

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In this chapter, it's mentioned that Harry has a sort of "cycle" and it's not a period but more of a hormonal type of thing that's related to hormonal changes after birth and also his symptoms related to his "carrier" status. This is my way of explaining it, this is a fictional concept and condition that I created for the story.

(This is you guys' one and only job) Question: Next update be another bonus chapter of the past? 

Enjoy this update. Don't forget to vote, comments are always appreciated!


While Harry was in San Francisco taking care of his father, he did have a few sentimental moments with the older man. Despite their disagreements and very different opinions, he loves his father and he appreciates everything the older man has done for him, resulting in him returning that affection.

Anyway, Desmond talked his head off while he was there, and eventually blathered on about an educational program that could be very beneficial for the kids. (Or, all those children, as Desmond put it.) Harry found himself interested in the subject after Desmond gave him a brochure on the historic city, and like always, he immediately signed them up.

It wasn't much of a surprise for Louis to hear about it, but he wasn't excited either. As a matter of fact, no one was happy about the unexpected field trip.

Louis has to hear the exasperated complaints from his eldest son, whining like a child. "I don't wanna go." Junior grumbles, following his father down the stairs.

"Look, nobody wants to go except your mother, the history major. He feels that it's important for you kids to learn more about the history of this country. So, we are doomed to go."

"But, Dad, Old Towne Orange? Who cares about a historical fruit?"

Louis pauses from where he was selecting one of his CD's for the ride, curving an eyebrow. "On second thought, maybe your mother's right."

Junior scoffs. "No, you just want to go to Lobster Labs to eat lobster."

"Not lobster, son, the best lobster on the planet. Okay?" Louis corrects. "So you put on a happy face and let's go in the kitchen."

Junior lifts the right side of his lip, barely attempting a smile and Louis narrows his eyes pointedly. "A happy face."

Junior forces a wider smile and Louis nods in approval. They amble into the dining room, where Harry stood, storing a large cooler. He spots the boys at the foyer and grins. "Hey guys. You are in for a treat. I packed all colonial food. This is stuff our forefathers actually ate." He says, holding up tubberware. He puts them into the bin before walking back to the kitchen to grab a plastic bag.

Louis reaches out for it, carefully observing it. "What's this?"

"Oh, that's mutton."


"What's mutton?" Junior asks.

Louis takes a sniff while Harry answers his son's question. "It's elderly sheep that died of natural causes."

Louis presses his lips together, hiding a grimace. "Old, sick sheep. Mmm. Yummy." He remarks sarcastically.

Harry rolls his eyes and takes the bag back. "You shut up, too. We also have salt pork," He lists, pulling out the items. "non-alcoholic mead, and ve olde egg salad."

"Wow. That explains why ye olde lifepsan was only 36 years." Louis comments.

Harry smiles, waiving him off. "Could you please finish packing all this stuff up?" He requests and holds his stomach. "And do I look fat? You know what, I think I'm feeling a little bloated. I gotta go change my clothes." He blathers and heads towards the living room entrance. "Oh, put some Advil in the box for me, please. Thanks."

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