chapter one.

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Rae Lee Bang thinks she is destined to be alone, especially right now as she watches her best friend and her soulmate cuddling it up on the train, their soulmarks sticking out against their forearms. Jade and Han had found each other two years ago, when he showed up in their first semester of university, and Rae swears that they have been in the honeymoon phase ever since. Jade says that she'll understand one day when she gets her own soulmate, but at age 22, she is starting to doubt it will ever happen. She just wanted to enjoy the concert tonight without feeling lonely. Which was going to be difficult, considering her seat mates are almost always on each other.

She shouldn't be too mean to Han though - he was perfect for Jade, literally made for her. And he was a good friend to her too - who else would accompany the two all the way to Japan just to see BTS because they couldn't get tickets for the shows in Seoul? As a surprise no less? He really was a good guy, Rae was just bitter and lonely. He was practically her older brother when her older brother wasn't around - which was often. But that wasn't his fault, it was his job's.

"I can't wait to see the show tonight!" Jade said, shaking Rae in her seat and smiling at her. Her and Han had turned over to her, realizing that the girl had been quiet almost the whole ride. They knew their friend was... touchy about them being too 'soulmatey' since she hadn't found hers, and they tried to be respectful. Jade ached for her friend to find her soulmate, and soon.

"Please, just try to control your thoughts when Jimin performs Filter." Han said to his soulmate. Jade let out a laugh and Rae couldn't help but let out one too. She knew that wouldn't happen - her best friend was Jimin biased hardcore. All she's been talking about for weeks was seeing Filter live.

"As long as you control yours!" Jade said to her soulmate. Han blushed slightly at the accusation but knew that his soulmate was right. Han's bias was also Jimin - though Rae couldn't tell if it was of his own accord or if it was Jade's bond influencing him.

"All men love Jimin. Let the man live for a night." Rae said to her. The train announced their stop for the Tokyo Dome and they all got out, Han and Jade holding hands. Jade snatched Rae's hand so she wouldn't get lost or feel left out. They did try hard to include her. Rae really needed to stop being bitter - her soulmate would come, maybe. Most people find theirs by the time they're 21 according to the scientists that research soulmates.

Sometimes, depending on how strong the connection is, the person feels a pull towards their soulmate and that causes them to connect. They will feel like their heart is about to beat out of their chest, when it's really just the connection between soulmates finally finding each other and trying to connect. But once you did connect by touch, it opened up a world of abilities between the two. Two soulmates are able to connect through each other's minds and speak mentally, hearing each others thoughts. Not only that, but you can feel the other persons emotions - scientists suspect these abilities are formed so that the soulmates can help each other when they need to, regardless of where they are. Rae remembered a day where Han suddenly just showed up at their apartment asking for Jade, and come to find out that her pain projected to Han and they had to take her to the hospital.

"Oh my god, look at the ARMY here already." Jade said, starting to bounce on her feet a little. Rae laughed at her friend - always excitable. Complete opposite of her, but she supposed they balanced each other out. That wasn't saying that Rae couldn't match her if she wanted to, but Jade was like the j-hope of the three, and Rae was probably more like the SUGA. Han was the Jin of the group for sure.

But Jade was right, it was packed trying to get into the stadium. ARMY were all over the place giving out freebies and handing out signs to put up during the finale song to support the boys. It was the last show of the tour so ARMY were trying to go big or go home.

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