chapter twenty-four.

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tw: descriptions of a panic attack, mentioned previous abuse.

Rae was so snuggly in bed, that she didn't want to get up. Yoongi had her tight against his chest, the two of them naked after he had his head between her thighs before they fell asleep. It seems as though they were seeing how many orgasms she could have on this trip alone - between Taehyung on the plane, Jungkook in the shower, and Yoongi last night. But she had to wiggle her way out eventually - she was going with her brother to meet their Aunt for breakfast.

The Bang siblings had decided they would meet up with their Aunt before the big dinner on their mother's birthday, they would meet with her first for something small and bring one of their soulmates each. The rest of their soulmates had complained, but gave up and then started to slowly beg to go. Christopher had decided that Jisung would go since he was his first soulmate of the group, and Rae decided that Namjoon would go. It was a battle between him and Jin, but since Namjoon spoke better English, she figured it would be easier that way for the first meeting.

Yoongi let out a sleepy complaint when Rae moved out from the covers but fell back asleep as she got dressed, making sure her bag was together before going downstairs. Namjoon was up and ready along with Hoseok and Jin - the early risers of the group.

"Good morning, cutie." Hoseok said, walking over to her and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. Rae smiled into their kiss as Jin came up and did the same while she was still in Hoseok's arms. "Sleep good last night?" he asked her. Rae nodded lightly.

"She better have with all the m - "

"Hyung! You're just as bad as the kids." Hoseok said to Jin. Rae's face flamed up red as she went over to Namjoon who was sitting and watching patiently. The two of them bickered back and forth as Rae rested her head on Namjoon until her brother said he was ready to go. The two of them left and met Christopher and Jisung at the car, driving away.

"Uh... so our Aunty is very... well...." Christopher tried to start, looking at Rae through the rearview mirror for assistance.

"She's an incredible lady! She is our mom's sister - she's just very... uh - "

"Oh, I got it. She's like Rae on crack when she's had too many boba's." Christopher said. Rae kicked the back of his chair and he complained.

"There is someone more hyper than Little Chan?!" Jisung said in surprise.

"I mean, there's you - " Rae started.

"Quiet!" he said from the front seat. Rae let out a laugh, looking at Namjoon. She couldn't tell if he was nervous or not - he was deathly quiet as he held her hand.

"Joon?" Rae said, shaking him gently. Namjoon looked over to her with a small smile, pressing a kiss to her hand.

He's a little nervous cutie, though he won't tell you -

Hoseok, you little snitch -

What?! You weren't going to tell her!

Joon, it's just my Aunty. She's the one that helped me get away from my father, remember?

Big beefy leader gets nervous meeting people, jagi.

If you don't shut up -

The two soulmates were shaken out of their thoughts by Christopher saying they had arrived. The place that their Aunt had picked out was a small little hole-in-the-wall spot that wasn't crowded at all. After parking, Rae took Namjoon's hand comfortingly as Christopher led the way with Jisung.

"There you two are! God shit - Rae you are beautiful! Come here!" a woman that Namjoon noticed resembled his soulmate a little called out to them as they approached the outside. Rae beamed at her, practically jumping up and down.

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