chapter two.

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"Rae? Rae!" Jade's frantic voice got Rae back awake, and she was still seated on the floor with Jade and Han looking at her worried. Not only that, but a bonus seven set of eyes. Eyes that she knew all too well. Oh my fucking god Jade was right -

Namjoon, I can hear her.

Yeah hyung, about that...

Rae's head snapped up to finally gather her surroundings. She was on the floor of the boba shop. Han had sat her up and Jade was holding her hand, right by her side. Her heart is still beating fast, but not as frantic as before, she could hear two voices in her head... that belonged to Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon. And the eyes of all 7 members of BTS were on Rae. She rose her right arm to brush her hair out of her face and paused - on her forearm was what looked to be a branch, or a vine, and on the branch were eight cherry blossom flowers - only three of them colored in, and the rest were an outline. One flower was a pale almost white baby pink color and that was at the top - symbolizing Rae herself, she assumed. The one right below it was a pale purple that faded into a pink gradient, and then the second one was mauve-y pink.

Oh my god. Jade was right. Holy shit -

"Get her some water, someone please?" Jin asked, sensing her thoughts. She was about to go into full panic mode, he could feel it. Jungkook scrambled to get water from the staff, who were equally worried. Jade hugged her friend in relief as Han did the same thing. "Are you hurt?" Jin asked, trying to send his new soulmate some calmness.

"No, I'm okay. I'm sorry." Rae said, Jungkook returning with the water. He was about to reach to give it to her when Namjoon stopped him.

"Let me. If you touch her on accident, it will be too much." Namjoon said to him. The youngest pouted, but understood. Namjoon took the water from him and gave it down to Rae who drank it.

"What happened?" Rae asked.

"You ran into Jimin and Jungkook on the way into the shop. When you fell back, Jin and Namjoon reached out to catch you and you blacked out after that. It's only been a few minutes, but still... did your heart start again when we entered the shop?" Jade asked her. Suddenly all of the attention was on her, and she felt very uncomfortable. Jin wanted to reach out and just hug her, hold her, anything to help. But right now, it wasn't his place. She was freaked out enough to begin with, and him and Namjoon coddling her was not going to help. He trusted her friend.

"... yes..." she said weakly.

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Jade asked again.

"Because you were going off and I was nervous when I noticed it and I just knew you would freak out again and what you were saying wasn't making any sense and I just - I just wanted our boba and waffle ice cream to make me feel better okay?! I already ruined the whole show for you because of it and I didn't want to ruin anything else!" Rae whined, tears starting to prick on her eyelids. Jade hugged her friend as she tried not to cry in front of the biggest boyband in the world, two of who are apparently her soulmates confirmed and the other five who probably were. Everything was overwhelming - they were all looking at her, clearly wanting their turn and she didn't know if she should because she was still trying to process that BTS were her soulmates.

"You six - go back and sit down. Wait for us." Jin ordered. They all stared at him for a moment before Rae saw them nod, and the six boys went to sit down at a table farther away. They also knew better then to mess with Jin when he went into caretaker mode - which was what he was in right now. "Do you think you can stand, Rae?" he asked her gently. Rae nodded back to him, as Jin helped her up with the assistance of Han. "There, now let's get you that boba and waffle ice cream!" Rae nodded as she let Jin lead her to the register, ordering her treat. Jin paid for all three of them and as soon as they got their food, they sat at the table next to the other 6 members. Jade took the seat next to Rae, feeling protective over her friend, and Jin sat next to Han on the side opposite them.

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