chapter thirteen

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warning: there is some talk about mental health, verbal and mental abuse in this chapter. stay safe friends. i'll provide a summary at the end and mark the content with a star so you can skip over it if needed. 

When Rae was about to start working with Yoongi, she got a notification in her email from the manager of TXT to meet them at a food joint around the corner, an hour earlier than their slotted time at 1:00. From the sounds of it, the boys wanted to meet her and treat her to lunch first before they got down to business, which she thought was sweet. However because of her extracurriculars with Yoongi, she now only had 15 minutes to get out the door to meet them, plus she didn't know where she was going.

Thankfully, Yoongi gave her the proper directions and said he'd take care of her bag for her, letting her only take her HYBE identification and her wallet with her as well as her phone. With a kiss goodbye to him, she walked out of the door - wincing as she walked. Rae was able to find the little building easy enough that turned out to be a place that served Korean BBQ and some traditional American food. She gave the name of their manager and was led to the backroom.

She knew that the members of TXT were young, but she didn't know they were as young as they looked right now. She was greeted by their manager, followed by the five members who stood up and bowed to her.

"Hi, Noona! It's nice to meet you, I'm Soobin - the leader." he said with a smile. After Soobin introduced himself Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai followed. Rae introduced herself back to them as they all sat down. She learned that Kai was only 17, but that Soobin was actually her age. All of them were hysterical and reminded her a lot of Stray Kids and her soulmates, constantly teasing each other and messing with one another. She declared that she would absolutely die for all five of them.

After lunch, they all walked back together (Taehyun and Kai were practically her bodyguards, saying they had to do it for their Hobi-hyung) and into the studio. She got her equipment out as they brainstormed, Pdogg coming to join them about midway through. Rae had to hold in her excitement when he walked in and attempted to remain cool, but she didn't know how well that worked out. At the end of their session, as she was packing up her things, she gave all of them her number and then headed up to Hope World. The door was propped open and Hobi was waiting for her, finishing up his lunch with Jin.

"Hi there, cutie! How were the babies?" he asked. Rae put her bag down and sat between the two of them until they finished, opening her mouth for Jin to shove a hoard of rice into her mouth.

"I love them, they're so cute." she said, mouth half full.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth, jagi! Also, they may be cute but don't forget who you have." Jin scolded her. Rae let out a little laugh as she finished chewing.

"I know, I know. I have my Hobi Sunshine!" she said. Hobi let out a laugh at the offended look that Jin immediately sported.

"Yah! You have Worldwide Handsome!" he said to her. Both Hobi and Rae were now laughing.

"Are you saying I'm not good enough, hyung?" Hobi feigned hurt as he took the trash and put it away.

"No I'm - this is unbelievable! I am being attacked so harshly by my soulmates! I'm going to see Taehyung, he'll love me properly!" Jin said, getting up.

"No - I want a kiss first Jinnie... please?" Rae pouted. He sighed dramatically as he leaned over and gave Rae the kiss that she wanted, promising to see her later before doing the same to Hobi and shutting the door behind him. Hobi came over and planted a kiss on Rae.

"Yoongi is in a really good mood today." Hobi said as he went back to the computer to set up the microphone and open the project. Rae got up too and took her seat by the controls, trying to hide the red on her face.

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