chapter nineteen.

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When Rae woke up the next morning, she was alone minus Yeontan - and apparently two other dogs. Holly was curled behind her legs, Moni was at the foot of the bed and Yeontan was in the space that Taehyung had been in. Feeling movement as Rae rolled over, Holly got up and walked up to Rae's face and smothered her in kisses. She let out some giggles as the rest of the dogs perked their heads up at the sign of her being awake.

"Good morning, pups. Where are your dads?" she asked them. As if they could respond to her - she felt foolish. She sat up and found her phone, seeing no messages. But she did smell something delicious being made, so she slipped on the outfit that was laid out for her presumably by Hoseok. She was quick and she walked out, carrying Yeontan and the other dogs following her as they followed the smell.

"Good morning, beautiful!" Jimin called from the table with a smile.

"Yah - that's where the dogs went! You had them hostage!" Yoongi said from the kitchen. Rae let out a laugh as she put Yeontan down on the ground, sliding into a seat at the table.

"Holly and Moni were sitting outside the door waiting to be let in. You should have seen them, it was adorable." Hoseok said, pressing a kiss to Rae's cheek as a plate of food appeared in front of her, as well as her first boba delivery from Jisung. Her mouth watered at the spread before her as she dug in. "This feels so good. I can't wait until you're here every day."

"Yeah, beautiful, when can you move in with us?" Jimin asked. Rae stopped eating and thought for a minute. She had renewed her lease at the beginning of the year, which meant she still technically had a couple more months until she could move out. The boys had brought up paying for her to buy the rest of her months out though - while it was something she didn't really like, she knew that it would be the smartest option. She enjoyed waking up to them just as much as they did.

"You have her thinking too much, Jimin!" Hoseok said to him. Rae was brought back down to earth at his words, face turning red. Another kiss was pressed to her cheek as her oldest soulmate emerged.

"What do you want to do, jagi?" Jin asked, giving her the option. Jimin went to speak up but Yoongi slapped his hand over his mouth, shutting him up.

Her independence is important to her, Jimin. Let her decide what to do.

Jimin let out a small nod and observed Rae, practically watching the wheels turning in her head. Rae wanted to move in with them as soon as possible but felt bad that they'd have to break her lease for her. Her brother's words echoed in her head of allowing them to take care of her.

"I want to move in... maybe I can - I can bring some stuff over this week? If - if there's a room?" Rae asked, stuttering over her words. Rae wasn't used to being asked what she wanted, so she was a little nervous. She knew that it was her soulmates of course, but her anxiety proved the better of her. The soulmates that were with her smiled at her.

"Of course we have room, jagi. The guest room is your room. What do you say we go pack some things today while you do some of your homework?" Jin proposed. Rae nodded back to him, liking the sound of that.

"Can... can Kook come with us?" she asked him. Jin let out a nod - knowing that right now the maknae was still knocked out, but he would go wake him up.

"Of course he can. Why don't you finish eating, and I'll go get him?" Jin proposed. Rae nodded once more, feeling him kiss the back of her head before he walked away. Rae finished eating quickly after that and opted for cuddling with Yoongi on the couch until they were ready. Holly joined them soon after, placing himself next to Yoongi. Rae stayed comfortably in Yoongi's arms until she saw Jin and Jungkook surface. "Look at you two, all cuddly."

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