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"God, my back kills." Rae complained, trying to stretch the muscles in her back. She was sitting on a couch backstage, her seven soulmates well into hair and makeup for their big comeback show. All seven of them were done with their military service, and as they promised ARMY at the end of 2022 when Jin went in, they were going to come back stronger than ever.

Rae knew it was coming in mid-2022, having discussed it with them at length. Jin had gone first, and then gradually after that the rest had too. Rae had only been alone for a few months before Jin returned in 2024 - his service being shortened by luck of the draw. Rae had been thrilled to go and get him when he was released, and they didn't separate from each other for at least a week afterwards.

That week of being on each other came back and bit them real quick - a month and half later Rae's period was late and they discovered she was pregnant. She had gotten her IUD taken out when Jungkook - the last of her soulmates to enlist - had gone in, since it was due to get out and replaced. However, she hadn't replaced it, which resulted in Aura Grace Kim being born nine months later. Rae and Jin had Hoseok and Yoongi by their sides when she was born, having gotten out in just enough time to see their first daughter come into the world.

Everyone fell in love with her when they first saw her, stealing all their hearts as soon as she looked at them. It was decided then that they would start their family now, via IVF, and whoever's egg stayed, was what they got.

That was what happened this time around, except two had stuck, so Rae was pregnant with twins. She was a little over halfway through, and she was over it. Yoongi and Taehyung were waiting on her hand and foot - since DNA testing had proved that the two babies were biologically theirs. Everyone else was doing everything they could to help her take care of Aura, and do their comeback.

Rae was thankful that she could produce sitting down and at her house, at least.

"I've got you, babe. Sit forward." Jade got up from her position on the floor, walking to her best friend and attempting to massage her back. Her best friend had been a saving grace in the time that her soulmates were gone, and she couldn't thank her enough. It was currently Rae's turn to support her, as Han was doing his enlistment and had six months left to go.

"Momma, where dadda?" the little girl - a female version of Jin - had trotted over to her mom, gently resting her little hands on her knees. She had done her hair in little tiny space buns, dressing her in a home-made BTS shirt for the show. It was her first BTS concert, naturally, and the little girl was incredibly excited. She put BT21 stickers all over her ARMY Bomb that her fathers had gotten for her and carried it with her everywhere the second that she had gotten it.

"Dadda and Appa's are getting ready for their concert, baby." Rae said to her. When Rae found out she was pregnant, she left the discussion of who was going to be called what up to the boys. Somehow, they had come to the agreement that they would all be Appa, but whoever the biological father was would be something different. In this case, Jin was Dadda - her first word and everything.

"But want dadda!" she started to whine. Aura Grace Kim was absolutely, without a doubt, Jin's baby. She followed him everywhere, always wanted to be in the same room as him, be held by him, everything. That wasn't to say she wasn't the shadows of her Appa's as well - oh no, she followed all of them around everywhere. But if Jin was in the room, all of them were chopped liver.

"We have to wait for Uncle Chris to get here." Rae said, hoping that her trump card would work.

"Uncle Chris coming?!" the two year old squealed. As much as she loved her Dadda and her Appa's - Aura Kim's favorite person in the world was her Uncle Chris. Rae was relieved to see that distracting her from Jin not being in the room worked.

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