chapter three.

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Rae's return to Seoul was uneventful. The boys had demanded updates on her travels so she gave them all day long, even when she got back to her apartment. Rae lived alone now - Han and Jade moved out about a year after they had connected. She loved her little apartment - it had big windows that gave her a beautiful view of Seoul and she had a full bathroom. Sure, she had no real kitchen and dining space, but since it was just her it was just enough.

She had spent the morning unpacking and then trying to work on some homework, but she was starting to get fed up. Rae was majoring in Music Production and was just fighting with her program today. The file wasn't doing what she wanted and her project was just not what she wanted it to be at all. Usually, she'd text her older brother to ask for his assistance, but he had an insane schedule this week so she didn't want to bother him. She was starting to stress out majorly, but was trying to be mindful of how much she put out to not worry Jin and Namjoon. They were on their flight back now, and according to Jin, they had about thirty minutes left until landing. Unfortunately for her, she was too late, but instead of calling her out through the bond, he said it in the group chat.

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With a flutter in her chest, Rae sent her address to the boys

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With a flutter in her chest, Rae sent her address to the boys. Yoongi told her that the car would be there in 45 minutes - it was enough time for her to shower. She looked a mess, not sleeping nearly enough last night as she should have, and then spent her morning on a plane. She needed a refresh before she saw Yoongi. Quickly, she shot him a message back and then left for the shower. She made sure to clean off all the airport stink and grime that she felt on her body, and then dressed in what made her feel the best. She got her bag together like she would be going to class, putting in her headphones, laptop, charger, water, some snacks and wallet, while she waited for Yoongi to message her.

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