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"Taliyah.. This is too daring" Cora blushed and hid the green dress in her hand. Making the young girl on her bed pout. Cora tried to change the subject. "You did not even change your school uniform and rushed here."

"But im so excited! I must help you chose a dress! Then you will ride with me and daddd.."

Tomorrow will be the parents meeting, but.. She doesnt even have any legal relation to taliyah and her father. "Taliyah.. I cant wear a daring dress in a parents meeting and... Well i have to go to a party tomorrow evening. That i will surely need your help."

"Ohm.. Okay.." taliyah then finally rummaged through her dresses. And suddenly screamed. "Aahh! I found it!! You must wear this!"

Cora stared at the dress infront of her. "Well okay. Atleast it wasnt so... Seductive"

Taliyah got home with a happy face. As soon as she opened the door,she saw her father sipping his favorite coffee.

"Cora will ride with us tomorrow." Taliyah said. She walk straight to the living room.

"And why?"

"I ask cora to attend my parents meeting. I know you would not come."

Tyron glared at her. Then look at the neighbors house. His patience is depleting, he knew he had to have her. But how? Fuck he was even acting like a sissy infront of her.

Maybe because he is too busy in school. Yeah. Lets just put it at that. His playboy side is just too proud to admit that he was defeated by his cowardice for the first time.

No.. He should visit tonight.

He look around him. And saw the unopened wine neatly prepared on the side. His lips rose.

It was already six, when Cora heard a knock. "Coming!" she just finished washing the dishes. She removed the apron after drying her hand. She hanged it and walked straight to the door. "Yes?.. Mr. Tyron!"

"Just tyron.. I.. Ahmm.." tyron look at his hand. "I brought wine. Thought maybe ... Ahmm" fck!!

Cora looked at his unusual appearance and a giggle escaped her lips. "Ahaha.. Come in tyron. How is taliyah?"

"Taliyah has just fallen asleep. I want to thank you for everything youve done.." tyron followed her inside.

Hearing him,cora look at him with an amused expression. "Wow.. It seems just like yesterday when you were like warned me not to interrupt into taliyah's life."

"Err.. Yeah.." fck again. Tyron wanted to punch something. "Tomorrow.."

"The parents meeting... Taliyah told me u had agreed.." tyron put the wine on the table. "Im thankful, ill be busy tomorrow.. And.."

Cora had already prepared wine glasses and put it on the table. She even opened the wine with a pop and put them on the glass.

Cora removed her apron and smiled at him. "Im sorry.. Ahaha.. Im just a bit .. Ahm." cora sat infront of him. Holding her forehead with each thumb and slowly massaging them.

"Theres a bit of family problem.." she eyed the wine on the table and laughed sheepishly. "I dont drink often.. But.. I think i wanna get drunk today"

Although she was rather calm, facing her family after many years was still different. Her feelings was abstract. She was nervous,scared, and happy.

But she feared the eyes that will look her way, eyeing her like a wolf on a hunt.

Tyron regained the his calm, and look at her with a gaze on he understand. "I hope you are not a light drinker."

"No.. Its fine.. " she drank the glass in one gulp. Then look at him. "Taliyah is a beautiful girl Tyron. You are so lucky to have her."

The loneliness and craving for something passed her eyes like a brief emotion.

Tyron slowly enjoyed the wine on his glass. "Yes.. Indeed" he should lie.

"She told me she lost her mother when she was 8? It must have been hard for you to raise her alone." There was a bit of sympathy in her eyes.

Tyron slightly cleared his throat and acted. "Ah yes.. But she is a sensible girl" of course not. "She understands me well and will not try to make trouble" lies. Tyron must found himself so pathetic right now.

Using pity to catch a woman?

He felt like he had gone to the bottom of the 'Men Chain'.

But he actually didnt want to stop! He is itching! If he didnt taste this woman tonight he!will!die!

"Pardon me for asking,.. How did your wife die?"

"Car accident" Tyron plainly said without hard feelings.

But of course another lie. He just couldn't take the woman anymore that tried to control him. So he made it look like a 'car accident'.

"Oh..." cora played with the glass.

Tyron stared at her. She was absent minded, she was staring at the red wine on the glass. Tyron gulped, "When did become a baker cora?"

"Ha? Oh.. Well.. Ahaha. Its actually a bit silly. It was when i was 19 years old, something happened...."

Cora talked about her past with shining eyes. She looks so enticing when she curved her lips, tyron could keep listening to her voice without feeling annoyed for many hours.

Then he also realized himself he is actually a good listener.

Laughter echoed in the room once in a while. It was 4 hours later when the noise stopped.

The originally drunk Man sleeping on the chair slowly opened his eyes and made a stretch. He look at the woman sprawled and sleeping on the table like a babe.

And a grin formed his lips.

But there was also something bugging him. He raised his lips and asked. "Cora? Are you awake?"

"Hmm??.. Arhh.. Yeah.." but she was still on the same spot. He could say that the way she talk was she is really drunk this time.

Tyron leaned a bit closer. "I just wanna ask,.. It seems that you have everything in the world.. Why are you still sad?"

There was silence. She didnt answer for a long time that he thought she was asleep. When he was about to talk again, she suddenly sat up.

Her eyes were red. Her nose was shaded with pink. She put a hand on her eyes and cried. "Because.. Because... Im .. Lonely..."

He was a little taken aback.

Cora rubbed her eyes like a child. "All my life i never felt like i belong to a family. So.. I wanna have a family of my own.. I want to have a baby... My own baby..."

A baby. Thats what she is asking.

A man can leave her. But her baby wont.

Tyron's adams apple rolled. Then he said in a gruff voice. "I can give you a baby"

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