Chapter 8

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Grace blinked away the sleep from her eyes before realising the weight of an arm was trapped over her. The events of the night before hit her and regret began to set in. She carefully moved from under him, trying to keep herself covered with the bedsheet as she grabbed her robe from the back of the door. Finally after it was securely tied around her waist she took in the room, there was a mess of clothes, pillows and sheets. Silas was asleep on the bed, lying on his side, his greying brown hair had fallen into his face. He looked peaceful. Grace walked towards the bed, then climbed onto it, sitting next to him, she gently moved the hair from his face before she traced his wrinkles.
"Good morning my darling" he smirked, his eyes blinking open. Grace jumped in suprise moving away from the bed as he rolled onto his back.
"I thought you were sleeping"
"Not anymore" he smirked. Grace sighed and went downstairs, collecting all of their discarded clothes. Her shoes and panties were by the kitchen table along with his tie and jacket. Her dress was on the stairs, along with his shirt. His shoes were at the top of the stairs followed by his belt. When Grace finally got back to her bedroom she dumped their clothes on the floor along with whatever was left of their other clothes.
"Why are you still in my bed?" She scowled, her arms folding over her chest.
"I was waiting for you" he smirked.
"Well you need to be gone before one of the kids comes home" she started making her side of the bed when Silas moved quickly and grabbed her by the waist, making her gasp in suprise.
"Tell me to go" he smirked, his warm hand moving under her robe, contrasting with her cool skin on the chilly morning.
"Don't" she tried to say firmly but it came out shakily. Their eyes met as his hands travelled higher, reaching her hip.
"Tell me to go" he whispered, his lips descending on her neck a few seconds later, not allowing her time to form an answer.
"Si" she groaned as he reached the knot that held her robe together.
"Tell me what you want"
"It looks a lot different in daylight, and standing up" she muttered.
"What do you want?" He repeated ignoring her last sentence.
"You. Always you" she murmured, the robe falling away from her body.

"Omg! What was it like?" Rose gushed excitedly.
"It was different...but the same. He was warm and familiar. He felt he wasn't going to disappear this time" she sighed contentedly "I didn't want to let go" she smiled.
"So what now?"
"I don't know. But I now we have issues to work out and he's definitely not perfect but he's all I want and I can't have him" she sighed "But the sex. Oh my god it was good. The morning sex-"
"Wait. It went into the morning?"
"Oh yeah" Rose smirked.
"Tell me everything!"
"First he flirted and he apologized for everything, then we kissed, danced and he took me home"
"Where you?"
"Where he got a taste of his ex-wife on the kitchen table before he headed to the stairs getting even more undressed, then we went into the bedroom where Silas didn't stop until I was shaking under him" Grace smirked.
"Oh my god! What about this morning?"
"Well I woke up I regretted everything we had done-"
"How could you!? It sounds mind-blowing"
"Well I went and picked up our clothes from around the house before I went back to make the bed and Silas was still lying there-"
"Hoping to get lucky again"
"He was smirking and flirting, then he was touching and caressing-"
"God I wish I married him"
"Then, the next thing I knew I was telling him I wanted him and I was naked on top of him"
"Holy shit. I need to get laid" she sighed.
"Holy shit. I slept with my ex-husband" Grace groaned, her head lying on the counter.

Mrs Green, Miss Stride, Miss Donnelly, Mrs Palfrey, Mrs Wright sat around at the local café, knitting, like always.
"You'll all be interested to know that Silas didn't return to the Inn after Alex's party" Miss Donnelly told them.
"You don't think he ended up in Grace's bed do you?" Mrs Green asked.
"No. He couldn't have. Grace was heartbroken when he left, they wouldn't dare" Mrs Palfrey argued.
"Or would they? Remember, I heard talk of make up sex" Mrs Green reminded them. The group fell silent for a moment, allowing the women to think over the couple.
"I'm sure he just ended up somewhere else like with a friend" Miss Donnelly argued.
"What friends? The whole town hates him" Miss Stride scoffed.

Alex sat on Sam's bed with a deep frown.
"Cheer up. I thought your dad did good on your birthday"
"He did. I like having him here but Miles keeps saying that dad hurt mom but, I just keep thinking that they were meant to have time apart and that they were made to be together again" Alex sighed.
"Maybe your right. Maybe Miles is too. It's not up to you or Miles to decide though, it's your mom's choice"
"Yeah your right and I do like having him back, I like having a dad" Alex smiled.
"Good, then just enjoy your time with him. Now come on we're going to be late, to go meet the other gays" Sam joked.
"You mean the super gays" Alex joked.
"The gayest of gays" Sam joked, sending them both into fits of laughter.

Grace left work early and headed home to paint in her studio. The house was deserted so she decided to strip off and change into an oversized shirt instead. She was unsure of what to paint, she began with a few random strokes before she changed to another colour and repeated the step. Two arms wrapped themselves around her waist, making her jump and her brush smudge on the canvas.
"Hold your brush still, your smudging it" he smirked into her shoulder.
"You scared me"
"I wasn't trying to. How did you end up in my clothes?"
"I didn't know this was yours, it's old it could've been anyone's"
"How many men have lost their shirts to you?" He turned stern, gripping her hips tighter than before.
"None. I meant that it could've been an old one of my dads" She explained, his grip on her hips loosening "Why do you care?"
"I don't. I was just wondering" he muttered, moving to lean on one of the chairs.
"I've told you before I haven't thought about sex since you left" he smiled widely, moving back towards her, like a lion hunting its prey "Don't you dare" she warned, pointing her paintbrush at him "The kids aren't at school, we could get caught" he continued his approach to her. He dropped to his knees, pulling her hips towards his face.
"Keep painting" he smirked up at her. Grace began painting again reluctantly as Silas's hand grazed up her leg, slowly, torturously. He reached up, undoing the buttons on her shirt one by one until the open shirt hung on her shoulders. He pulled her panties down at her right hip slightly, kissing where her leg met the rest of her body.
"How did you get this?" He traced the small scar.
"It was an accident. I was being clumsy and I cut myself"
"There was a time when I could remember every scar and every mark you had" he muttered into the joint of her leg.
"There was a time when I could paint undisturbed" she smiled down at him in the same way that she did when they were first married.
"What's the fun in that?" He smirked, kissing her again. He leant up and kissed her stomach and her C-section scar.
"Don't do that. I hate my stomach" she groaned.
"I'm so thankful for this stomach. It carried all of my children. Our children" he murmured against it before he stood up to his full height. He looked down at her, holding her gaze to his, he smoothed his thumb over her chin, then her lips, parting them slightly before he lowered his head. Just before their lips met, the front door slammed shut followed by a call of "Mom! I'm home!"
"Shit!" Grace scrambled to button her shirt and cover herself from Poppy.
"I'll go to her" Silas left the room, going to Poppy. Grace listened to the faint sounds of talking followed by the front door slamming shut again. Silas appeared at the door to her studio a few seconds later.
"She's gone" he announced.
"What did she want?"
"Her swimming gear, definitely not me" he laughed.
"You should take her surfing. She's so good at it she's won medals"
"I'll keep that in mind" he smiled "We've got some time before any of the other kids turn up" he smirked, approaching her.
"No thank you. That was too close a call" she ran a hand through her hair in fear.
"Come on Gracie" he murmured taking another step towards her as she stepped back.
"I cannot be trusted around you. Go. Just go. I'll see you at dinner" she waved him away.

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