Chapter 23

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Grace was awoken by two hands wrapping around her ankles, pulling her down her bed. She collided with Silas's chest as he knelt before her.
"You trashed my car"
"You turned a one night stand into a marriage with a baby on the way"
"You flirted with my brother to coax one last fuck out of me"
"You stole my vibrator" she challenged.
"I still got phone sex out of you" he smirked.
"Stop smirking and get out of my room" she pushed him away and tried to climb back onto her bed but he followed her, falling on top of her.
"Gracie. I want to be there for my baby but fuck, I woke up hard thinking about fucking you on the hood of that car you ruined" he smirked down at her.
"I'm not touching you unless you divorce her. I won't be the other woman" she shot. Silas smirked down at her, pinning her hands above her head with one of his. His free hand ran up her thigh under the shirt she was wearing.
"Silas" she gasped as he ran a finger over her clothed center.
"What do you want?" He smirked.
"You. Only you" she gasped. Silas moved to her neck nibbling at her collarbone "But, I can't have you"
"Yes you can. Let go of your selfrighteousness. Ashley fucked me and you left me, now she wants me, you fuck me" he encouraged.
"I can't do this"
"Yes you can. Take what you want and stop giving a fuck about other people's feelings" he told her sternly. Grace looked up at him and thought for a moment before she flipped them so that she was on top. She smiled down at him, watching his eyes as they raked over her body as she unbuttoned the shirt slowly.
"Do you want to touch?" She asked when the shirt had fallen away to the bed.
"Fuck yes" he growled but Grace stopped his hands from reaching her.
"Not yet my love" she smirked moving away from him, she grabbed his belt and tied his hands to the bedpost. Grace moved to stand at the end of the bed before she slipped her panties off.
"Come here" he growled.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"I want to be buried inside of you" he growled pulling against the belt.
"It's annoying isn't it? To want something you can't have" she teased, her hand running up his leg as he walked closer to him "To be aroused 24/7. To shiver at the slightest touch" she teased him, finally reaching the top of his leg "Where's Ashley this morning? Where does she think you are?" She teased as she played with the button on his trousers.
"Don't talk about her"
"Where does she think you are?" She repeated.
"She doesn't know where I am, she's still sleeping" he admitted. Grace unbuttoned his trousers and began pulling them off.
"Does she know?"
"Know what?"
"That I'm the one you think about, the one that makes you hard. The one you can't stop thinking about" she smirked as she slipped his boxers from him
"The last time we fucked I called your name" he admitted. Grace climbed onto him, unbuttoning his shirt slowly.
"How badly do you want me?" She asked, leaning down to kiss his chest.
"So bad. Let me show you, please, Gracie before I go crazy" he pleaded, rocking his hips with hers as he pulled at his belt again. Grace sunk herself down onto him in one, erupting a groan from them both.
"Do you want me?"
"Always. Always" he groaned as their hips began rocking together.
"Does Ashley fuck you as good as I do?"
"No. God no" he groaned pulling on the restraint.
"Divorce her" Grace ordered "Divorce her and we can do this every morning. I don't have to go into the store, we can do this all day everyday" she smirked "Tell me what you want, my love"
"I want you. I only ever wanted you" Grace slammed their lips together, he thrust his hips hard against hers.
"Even in a crowded room, I'd only look for you. I only wanted to pick you. Ashley means nothing to me. Let me come home" he begged.
"Come home. Come back to me" she begged as her hips moved faster and harder against Silas's. The two of them fell over the edge together, Grace collapsing on top of Silas as she tried to catch her breath.
"I'm serious. Let me come home Gracie" he pleaded. Grace tied his hands back to the bed before she climbed off him with a groan.
"Divorce her" She told him as she pulled on a clean pair of underwear and some pajamas.
"She's still having my baby, I want to be there for it but I don't want to be with her" he told her.
"Mom! Breakfast!" Miles called from the kitchen.
"I'll be back after breakfast" she smirked heading towards the door.
"Your going to leave me like this!?" Silas nearly yelled. Grace looked over Silas, his hands were tied to the bedpost, his shirt was open hanging off his shoulders and he was naked from the waist down. She threw a blanket over his waist.
"Be quiet we wouldn't want the kids to hear" she smirked.
"What if I'm not?" He smirked.
"No after breakfast sex" she smirked as he groaned.

Grace headed into her store, a wide smirk on her face with the knowledge of that mornings events.
"Tell me everything" Rose demanded.
"About what?" Grace asked as she moved behind the counter.
"About that wide smirk which can only mean one thing, adulterous sex" Rose smirked with glee.
"He came over this morning seething about his car but more so that he woke up imagining fucking me on the hood of the car I ruined" she smirked.
"God that man is hot" Rose sighed.
"I told him that if he wants to continue what we're doing then he has to divorce Ashley because I won't be the other woman" Grace told her.
"Girl power" Rose smiled, high fiving her before the pair went to work.

As Silas entered his hotel room he spotted Ashley sitting on the end of the bed, her arms folded over her chest, glaring at him.
"Morning" Silas smiled.
"Where have you been?" She asked.
"I went out" he lied.
"You went to see Grace"
"If you knew where I was why did you ask?"
"I wanted to see if you would lie to me. Are you fucking her?" Silas scoffed "Of course you are" she scoffed.
"What do you expect? She's the mother of my children-"
"Not the only one. We're having a baby Silas"
"A baby I didn't even want! Grace is the mother of my children, the only one I want" he yelled.
"It's too late for that. We're having a baby and I want my child to have two parents-"
"I want a divorce"
"Your not getting one. This baby is going to have two parents and when you realize that were the ones you want instead of Grace, we'll be waiting" she bit, picking up her handbag and heading towards the door.
"Where are you going?"
"Out. Don't wait up" she bit, storming off, slamming the door behind her.

Grace's phone rang on the counter beside her.
"Hello?" She smiled down the line.
"Hey Gracie it's me" Silas told her.
"Oh. What's up?"
"It's about Ashley" he told her, making her smirk.
"You finally getting divorced?"
"She won't give me one" he sighed.
"Well then, I guess we're done Si" he could hear the disappointment in her voice.
"I don't want to be done" he frowned.
"It's too late. Goodbye" she said finally, hanging up the phone before he could say anything else. Rose finished up with a customer and returned behind the counter.
"What's wrong?" Rose asked.
"I'm going to get us lunch, want anything?"
"God yes I'm starving" Rose smiled.

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