Chapter 39

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Grace stood in front of the floor length mirror at Rose's, examining the little black dress as it clung to her every curve.
"Holy smoke show" Rose gasped, looking her friend over.
"This is perfect" Grace smiled widely.
"You never actually told me what this outfit was for"
"An experiment"
"A sex experiment?" Rose smirked.
"No. Ashley said something to me-"
"What did she say" Rose groaned.
"Nothing bad. It's me thinking" she shrugged.
"Girl. I can read you like a book, now, talk" Rose ordered falling onto the bed, her arms crossed as she looked at her friend.
"Ashley said that maybe I want Silas because of the sex, the passion of it all-"
"And you think she's right?"
"The evidence would suggest that it's true" Grace let out a deep sigh "I do love him but, maybe I need something other than sex or passion. Maybe what I need is a different kind of passion" Rose moved to hug her friend from behind, her head resting on her shoulder to meet her eyes in the mirror.
"You don't know if you want to stay with him?"
"I don't know what I want"
"But you love him?" Grace nodded "Well if he doesn't fuck you in this dress he needs his head checked"
"The whole point is to prove that he doesn't need to fuck me all the time" Grace rolled her eyes at her friend.
"Well then he can fuck you another day in this gorgeous dress" Grace laughed.
"Come on, let's get drunk and wild" she smirked wildly, taking her hand, she pulled her friend towards the door and eventually out of the house.

From the minute they got to the bar they started drinking and within the space of two hours Rose had gotten herself pretty drunk and gotten Grace even drunker. They danced around the bar as the other people watched and they smirked at Grace.
"Feeling drunk yet?" Rose smirked.
"I could go for another shot" Grace smirked as she moved her body in time with the music.
"Two shots coming right up" Rose smiled, heading over to the bar to order, Grace continued to dance like no one else was watching. Rose returned with two shots which they both drank quickly, almost too quickly, as it made Grace's head spin. A guy from out of town downed the rest of his drink before he moved over to her, his eyes skating over her body. His hand went to her waist, pulling her back against his front as they began moving together in time with the music.
Frank watched them from the bar before he went into the back room and took out his phone and dialed his friends number.
"Hey, Silas. You might want to come down. It's Grace"

Silas drove as fast as he could over to the bar. He parked his car, somewhat correctly, before he headed inside seeing Grace still dancing with the guy that Frank had warned him about.
"Hey. You going to stop him?" Frank asked him as he slid onto a stool at the bar.
"In a minute. Give me a whiskey" He poured a glass and Silas drank it in one. Turning on the stool, he watched as the man run his hands along Grace's body, his blood began to boil.
"Hey. You break anything and you can pay for it" Frank warned him.
"What if I break his hands, what then?" Silas joked before he moved over to where they were dancing. Grace's eyes met his as he crossed the room towards her, her body leaning against the man behind her.
"Silas. What are you doing here?" Grace asked him, fanning innocence.
"I've come to take my drunk girlfriend home" he smiled down at her before he pulled her body towards him, looking up at the now frowning man "Get out of here" he ordered, sending him off before he turned his attention back to Grace.
"He liked me. I could feel it" she tried to hide her smirk but failed. He tried to pull her closer to him but she pushed him away.
"Get me a whiskey"
"You've had enough"
"I'll be the one to decide that" she shot back, moving away from him when he pulled her back against his front.
"I don't think you've had enough of me today, Gracie" he murmured against her ear.
"Maybe I should ask that guy to take me home. He might be more fun" she teased, pushing her hips back against his. He grabbed her waist and turned her before he tossed her over his shoulder, earning a surprised squeal from her.
"Put me down you ass!" Silas slapped her ass, silencing her as he carried her towards the door "Make sure Rose gets home" he shouted to Frank, earning a nod before he headed out of the bar. Silas wrestled her into the car before he drove them home.
"I wanted to dance" she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest in seriousness, only pushing her breasts up higher, distracting him more.
"You've danced enough" he bit.
"God this dress is tight" she groaned, shifting in her seat, Silas felt his pants tightening as Grace pulled up her dress high on her thighs.
"Stop" he ordered, his jaw tensing as he caught a glimpse of her green panties "Your in so much trouble when we get back" he warned, his warm hand landing on her thigh.
"I'm not going easy on you" he warned as he pulled up in front of the house. He climbed out of the car, going to the passenger side he picked her up again and carried her through the house and upstairs to her bedroom. He threw her down on the bed before he pulled off his shirt and pants.
"Let me go to bed" she placed a foot on his chest, pushing him away when he grabbed her ankle.
"If you wanted to go to bed, you wouldn't have go to a bar in this little black dress" his hand ran up her leg "You wouldn't have danced with that guy in front of me, and you wouldn't have shown me these little green panties" his voice dropped to a low tone as he touched her over the fabric.
"Who said that I wanted you to see them? Maybe I just wanted to go out dancing and I just happened to wear green underwear" she suggested, even as he grabbed the sides of her panties and pulled them down and off over her feet.
"Because I know you better than that, Gracie" Grace sat up on the bed and pulled down the zipper of her dress, revealing her chest to him. "That's my girl" he smirked before he covered her body with his "So beautiful, Gracie. I love you" he murmured against her neck.

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