-Chapter 1: MadMax-

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A/N: Welcome to my new book!

I BELIEVE I will be able to post once a day. maybe skip a day if I'm having troubles writing. BUT thanks to Stranger Things 4 coming out, I'm in a very big writing mood. 

It is likely that I'm going to write a book for each season, following the events in the seasons. Sorry Lumax! We have Y/NMax now!

SO here ya'll go! Welcome to California to Hawkins.

- R


Y/N pov

Last year, the party and I met this girl in the woods. She was small, bald and had powers. That's right, powers. Her name was Eleven, and she didn't talk. Not much. We helped her, took her in and she joined our party as the Mage. It was fun, exciting and to be honest? Interesting compared to what we do all day. It was also refreshing to have another girl in the party, as, unlike other girls who play with dolls, wear skirts and dress up, I don't. I like games, DnD, biking, and fighting. Hell, I even want to learn to skateboard. I didn't fit in, nor did I want to. Eleven didn't either, so we bonded a lot over that.

That's why when she sacrificed herself to save us, to save Hawkins, it was heartbreaking. Mike refuses to believe that she's actually gone. He thinks she's somewhere out there, lost, or searching. I want to believe it too, but knowing as little as I do about the world, I don't know what to believe.

I've just spent the past hour running around my house looking for change. Any spare change to add to my stash I've been keeping. Finding a few quarters here and there, stashing it into my pocket and continuing my search. The radio, hooked on my belt, starts crackling to life. "Lucas, you copy? I've got four quarters. What's your haul?" One of my best friends, Dustin, says. The radio crackles again, this time displaying another voice. I hear a chuckle before the voice. "Take your puny haul and multiply it by five." Lucas replies. "How?" "While you were scrounging around like a homeless bum, I mowed Old Man Humphery's lawn" Lucas replies, sounding proud as ever.

I pick up the radio, chuckling before speaking. "Only multiplied by five? Aww, that's cute." I say. "Oh yeah? How much you got, Y/N?" Lucas asks. "Oh you know...Dustin's haul...multiplied by ten." The radio immediately bursts to life. Ranging shouts of 'How?' or 'Really?'. "I've actually been saving up for like, two weeks now." I reply. "Dang, Y/N. Didn't know you had that kinda cash on you." Dustin says. "Call Mike already." I say. "No, you call mike." Dustin retorts. "Nuhuh. We agreed, the one who got the least, calls Mike." Lucas says. With a loud sigh over the radio, Dustin agrees and calls Mike, telling us to meet them at the Arcade in ten minutes.

Putting my walkie down, I grab my backpack and put whatever crap I can think of that I might need before grabbing my stash and leaving my room. I kiss my mom and dad's cheek goodbye, letting them know I'd be back for dinner before heading out the door and grabbing my bike. It started like a normal day, biking down the oddly quiet path of my street before turning onto a louder main street. On the way, however, I would hear the loud rumble of an engine that I've never heard before....or more like, we've never had loud engine cars in Hawkins before. I couldn't really identify the car, however, so I continued my way to the Arcade, parking my bike next to Dustin and Lucas' before heading inside, meeting them.

After a while, Dustin had just passed our high score one one of the games and we were all packed around him, shouting orders. "Down! Down! DOWN!" Someone says. "I'm going! I'm going!" Dustin shouts back, moving his character to whatever position he planned. "Okay. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" Dustin shouts again, after we all start talking loudly over each other. This...may have caused Dustin to get distracted because he dies. "No. No. No! I hate this overpriced bullshit!" He shouts, getting agitated. He continued swearing at the game machine while the others gave him advice and feedback. "Until then, Princess Daphne is still mine." Dustin rolls his eyes and makes a face. "Whatever. I'm still tops on Centipede and Dig Dug." He notes, smirking.

(1) California to Hawkins (Max Mayfield/(Fem)You)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя