-Chapter 7: D'Artagnan...?-

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At the end of school, Max, Lucas, Dustin head to Mr Clarke's classroom as we FINALLY convince him to tell him. He could probably help us discover what it was. Mike and I went to find Will. "Will, are you coming?" I ask. "Let's go show Mr Clarke." Mike adds. Will just walks over, concern and fear in his eyes. "What?" Mike asks. Will doesn't answer, stopping in front of us. I kneel slightly, putting my hands on his shoulders and looking him in the eyes. "Will, what's wrong?" I ask. He's silent for a beat before answering. "It's about D'Artagnan." he says. "What. What about him" I question, looking at Mike. He returns my fearful expression before we focus back on Will. "Will, what about D'artagnan." I ask. "We need to stop Dustin." Is all he says before taking off. Surprised, Mike and I scramble to follow him. I knew something was off. About both D'artagnan and Will.

On the way, the only thing Will says is. "I think....he's from the upside down." which immediately made Mike and I panic and start sprinting to Mr Clarke's classroom. Through the little window on the door, we see the back of Lucas and Max's heads. "Crap, they're talking." Mike says. We sprint to the door and push it open harshly. "Stop!" Mike says. I run to the table and grab the unopened ghost trap from the table, smiling awkwardly at Mr Clarke who looked....let's go with confused. "Sorry, Mr Clarke. It was just a stupid prank." I blurt out, looking at Mike for help. "What are you doing?" Dustin asks, waving his arms. "We told him to stop." Mike says before we start running off with the trap. "We need to go." I say to the others who just stand there, confused. "Right now. RIGHT NOW!" I shout this time, causing Max and the others to immediately start sprinting after us.

We run into the AV club room and I watch as Mike stops Max at the door. "Hey! Come on!" Max says. "Sorry. You're not in the party." Was all Mike said before closing the door on her. "Hey! Mike. Why'd you do that?" I ask him, going to the door. He lays a hand on it, looking me in the eye. "No, Y/N! She's not in the party. She doesn't KNOW what we're supposed to be talking about." He says. "She's not in the party, because you refuse to let her." I say, stepping forward. "We don't need another member." He says, stepping forward as well. "Maybe you don't think we do. But since El-" I start before Mike cuts in. "Shut up." He says. "We were open to having El in the group. Why can't you let Max in?" I ask. Mike just glares at me, not able to argue. "You've been different since she left." I mutter. Mike looks down, glaring at the floor now. "You know how hard it is, being the only girl in the group? I can only relate to so much." I say before turning away. "Let's just get this over with." I say, walking back to the trap and the table.

Mike and I used to be close. Or, closer than we are now. He always sought for my approval, as did I with him. When El came, he always wanted us to approve of her joining the party. Specifically me, and I welcomed her with open arms. After she left, Mike had been more distant. Always missing until we have to literally go find him. It hurt like hell that it came to that. We've never had such a...bad argument before. I looked back to where Mike still stood at the door and I could see regret in his eyes. But knowing Mike, he wouldn't say it out loud.

Mike came over to the table and Will started to explain. Seeing something like Dart, the upside down. We all listened closely, hanging onto every word. After Will finishes, we take a moment to process it when we hear banging on the door. "Hello? Hello! Guys, come on. Can I come in yet?" Max asks through the door. "No!" Mike shouts back, avoiding my eyes. "I don't understand." Lucas says, scratching the back of his head. "What do you not understand?" Mike asks him. "Will saw something that looked like Dart last year?" He replies. "Kind of, but there was no tail." Will says. "But then he heard it yesterday. The exact same sound." I add, looking at Lucas. "Why didn't you tell us before?" Dustin asks, disbelief on his face. "I wasn't sure." Will says. "SO it's a coincidence." Dustin says, refusing to believe it.

"Or not." I say. "What if...when Will was stuck in the Upside Down, he somehow acquired True Sight?" I ask, using DnD terms. "True sight?" Lucas asks. "It gives you the power to see into the ethereal plane." Dustin says. Lucas sighs, not getting it. "Elaborate." He says. "Maybe these episodes that Will keeps having aren't really flashbacks at all." Mike explains. "Maybe they're real." I say. "Maybe...Will can somehow...SEE into the Upside Down." I add. "So...that would mean..." Lucas starts. "Dart is from the Upside Down." Mike finishes. Dustin sighs loudly, refusing to believe it. We argue on bringing him to Hopper. Dustin claims to have a bond with Dart through....nougats..? "No, because he trusts me!" He argues back. "He trusts you?" Lucas asks. "Yes! I promised I would take care of him!" Dustin shouts.

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