-Chapter 19: The Gate-

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"Wait, what about Steve?" Dustin asks, running after us. "Grab him, put him in the back seat." Max says, not turning back, still dragging me to the car. "Max." I say, waiting for her to respond. She doesn't "Max." I say again, looking at the redhead who was glaring in front of her as we walked. "Max!" I repeat. This time, she stops and turns to me. "What?" She asks. "Are you okay?" I ask. She doesn't answer, looking to the ground instead. "Hey." I say, using my hand to lift her chin. "Max, are you okay?" I ask again. Her blue eyes look into mine before darting around my face. "He hit you." She mutters as if it wasn't obvious. She lifts her hand and touches my face, making me flinch. I knew I probably had a black eye or something from Billy's punch. She uses her fingers to trail around my eye, probably where the bruise was. "I'm okay." I say, offering her a smile. "He hit you...because of me." She says. "Hey, no. I'm alive, right? I'm here. And you totally put him in his place." I say. She chuckles lightly, tears in her eyes. "We're okay. We will make it out of here alive and make it to the snow ball." I say, leaning into her hand. She nods, using her thumb to stroke my face before we hear the front door of the house open and a bunch of groaning.

She drops her hand, turning with me as we see the three boys working together, struggling to lift the teen up. Each had a limb, which left one just dragging on the floor. "Come on." I say, walking to the boys. I lift the last limb up, helping them as Max pushes the front seat forward, giving space to get to the back seat. We put Steve in the back and the boys went in with him. "Why do you get the front?" Lucas asks me. "Cause she's Max's girlfriend. Duh." Dustin says. I slap his arm lightly, a blush on my face. "No. Shut up, Henderson." I say. "Wait, is what Billy said true?" Mike asks. Not in a mean way, just curious. "Uhh." I start, looking at Max who just tilts her head. "Y-yeah. It is." I say. I look at the boys, expecting disgusted faces only to see smiles. "Glad you felt safe enough to tell us." Mike says. "Yeah, I know that was probably hard." Lucas adds. It was nice having such accepting and open minded friends. Dustin already guessed before and Steve was unconscious. But he saw anyway. I look at Max to see her grinning from ear to ear. "Why're you smiling so much?" I ask. She shrugs, looking at me with a glint in her eye. "Nothing"

After throwing supplies into the trunk, the boys squish into the back seat as I get into the passenger seat and Max into the driver's seat. We make a block to use for her to reach the pedal and she turns the key, the engine roaring to life. She hits the acceleration, making the car lurch forward. "Oops. Wait." She says, changing gears and stepping on the pedal, making us lurch backwards. "Okay, hold on." She says, easing out of the driveway. She slowly does a turn before changing gear and driving us out of the Byers' place.

Lucas shouts orders to the fields from the backseat while we drive. Max doing her best to stay calm even though it was the first time driving outside a parking lot. I hear groaning from behind me and turn to see Steve waking up. "Nancy?" he asks, seeing Mike instead. He lifts his hand to his forehead. "No, no, don't touch it." Dustin says, pulling his hand away. "Hey buddy...." I say. "It's okay, you put up a good fight." Dustin adds. "He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight." Lucas says between instructions. "You're okay." Dustin says.

"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai." Lucas tells the redhead as she drives. "What's going on?" Steve asks, looking around. He spots me in the passenger seat before looking at the driver's seat as Max turns her head. Steve's eyes widen when he does. "Oh my god!" He shouts. "Shhhh. It's okay. She has driven before." I say. "Yeah, in a parking lot!" Mike says back. "It counts!" I add. "They were going to leave you behind," Dustin says. "Oh my god" Steve repeats. Max speeds up, clearly getting somewhere as I hold onto the seat "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on? Oh, my God. No! Whoa! Stop the car. Slow down." Steve freaks out.

"I knew he would freak." Mike mutters. "Stop the car!" Steve says. "Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max shout at us, making us all fall silent. Only the roar of the engine is audible as we drive down the road. "Oh, wait, that's Mount Sinai. Make a left. " Lucas suddenly says. "What?" Max asks. "Make a left!" He shouts. Max makes a sharp left turn, making us all lean in our seats as the boys in the back scream. She skims something, making the left mirror get hit off. We make it, driving down the road. "I'm gonna be sick." Steve says. "Please don't." Mike mutters, looking away.

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