-Chapter 2: Who We Gonna Call?-

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I knew the boys were dressing up. I always thought it was dumb. I didn't dress up with them. Occasionally I'd wear a hat or cape but I never went all out like they did. They told me they'd be dressing up as the ghostbusters and asked me to be a ghost. But there is no way I'd be going around school in a ghost costume. Especially since I have this....gut feeling....that Halloween dressing up is the least of everyone's worries.

Biking to school, I hear the loud roar of the engine of Billy's car and look over from where I stopped to see Max getting off the car, Billy on the other side and them arguing and ending with Max flipping the bird at her. I chuckle as I get off my bike and watch as she looks around and spots me. She looks around, I assume for the boys, satisfied, she skates over on her board, doing a few jumps before skidding to a stop in front of me. "Hey, Y/N" She says. "Hey" I say. "Where are the stalkers?" She questions. At that point, I hear cheers from behind me. Cheers I know all too well. "Hey, Spengler!" "Egon! Yeah!"

"There." I tell her, nodding to the boys. They start arguing, well, two of them do, and Max chuckles and gives me a light shove. "Go, Take care of your children." She smirks. I roll my eyes and make a face before stalking off. "Hey! CHILDREN! What're you doing?" I ask then as I arrive at where they were. Max disappears behind the school doors, turning my whole focus to the boys. "He refuses to be Winston because he's not black." Lucas says. "What? No! I-" "OKAY OKAY. Two Vec..What?" I question. "Venkman" Lucas clarifies. "Two Venkmans and that's it. I swear, we're the same age but you guys are CHILDREN." I say, rolling my eyes at them. "No, we are NOT," Lucas counters. We have a shouting match until Dustin breaks in, looking around. "Guys, guys, Why is no one else wearing costumes?" He asks. That's when I actually looked around properly and noticed. The boys were literally the only ones in costume. I felt so much second hand embarrassment for them as we entered the school. "Who we gonna call? The Nerds!" Someone said, I flipped them off, Glaring at him. "Screw off." I say. He holds up his hands in surrender before chuckling and leaving. Mike and Will stalk off to their lockers, looking at the floor awkwardly as Lucas and Dustin stop and stare at something. "What are you-" i start before turning and seeing Max. I roll my eyes at them. She's right, they ARE stalkers. "We gonna do this?" Dustin asks. "Not right now, we look like Morons." Lucas says. "Maybe she likes ghostbusters." Dustin shoots back. "Of course she likes ghostbusters. But that's not the point." Lucas replies.

They proceed to creepily look at her as she gets things from her locker. "Let's engage" Dustin says. At that moment, she finishes getting things and walks down the hallway. I look back at the boys, raising an eyebrow. "You were saying?" I ask. "We could always ask her after class." Dustin suggests. "Yup" Lucan agrees, walking towards class. I couldn't help but laugh at their awkwardness before following.

We walked into Mr Clark's classroom and took our seats. We usually sit in the same few spots. So that's why it wasn't weird that I sat next to Max. We didn't say anything. I just admired her from the side. She's pretty. Very pretty. And I knew that my mind didn't mean the friendly kind of pretty. I've known that I wasn't like the other girls for a while. I didn't do my hair, didn't do makeup, didn't wear bright pink dresses and lipstick. I didn't flirt with the basketball team, I didn't spend time pining over guys. No, I wasn't like them. Instead, I wore jeans, shirts, ripped jackets. I could care less for the basketball team, for the rebels, for the 'cute' boys. I didn't spend time pining over guys, no, I spent time pining over girls. Yup, that's me. I knew many people didn't agree, many people didn't think it was 'natural' or 'right'. I knew that, but I also knew it wouldn't change who I was. If I came out, people would call me names. I knew that cause I've seen it happen. I've never properly liked anyone before. No, there was just a few small crushes here and there. My family's friends had a daughter who is currently in Hawkins high school. Her name was Robin. I thought she was pretty, obviously a bit old for me, but she was pretty. She is also one of the only people who know that I wasn't like the others. And she wasn't either. She would go on and on about this girl called Tammy Thompson and I would laugh and try to relate.

After meeting Max, however, it's like something sparked in me. There was this....feeling....that I've never felt before. Not for friends, not for any of my mini crushes. No, it was different. I didn't know what it was exactly, but I knew one thing, she's pretty, and I hope we can get closer. Damn, I bet Robin will have a field day with this.

When class finished, I took my time packing up as I watched Lucas and Dustin rush off after Max. That would be funny to witness. I hand in my work for today and walk outside, immediately seeing Lucas and Dustin with Max at her locker. "Hi, Max. I'm Dustin, and this is-" He starts before Lucas cuts him off. "Lucas." He says, smiling at her. Max looks at them suspiciously "Yeah, I know. The stalkers." She deadpans. "Uh, no, actually. We weren't stalking you. We were just concerned because, you know, you're new and all." Dustin tries. "Yeah, for your safety. There are a lot of bullies here." Lucas adds, nodding along. "Mhmm. Is that why you've got proton packs?" Max asks, nodding at their backs where the proton packs of their costume lies. "Oh, these don't function....but I do have this little handy dandy trap here." Dustin says before lifting up a gadget and opening and closing it. "Look, look, look. Voila!" Dustin says. Max just nods along, unimpressed. "No?" Dustin awkwardly says, lowering his hand.

I chuckle and walk closer to Lucas. "What...what's going on here?" I whisper to him. "We're trying to get Max to join us for trick or treating." Lucas says. "But its...not going well." He adds. I laugh a little, watching as Max is awkwardly nodding and looking at Dustin opening and closing his trap. "Maybe I could help?" I suggest. Lucas turns to me "I'm not sure. It seems pretty hard to convince her." He says. I roll my eyes and push him aside, getting the attention of the redhead. She turns to us and her eyes seem to immediately light up upon landing on me. "Y/N" She says, nodding at me. "Max." I reply, a smile on my face. Dustin's head whips to me, confusion on his face. "Okay hold on. You two are on a first name basis?" He asks, shocked. "Uh, yeahhhh" Max says, rolling her eyes. "Because unlike you stalkers, she actually talked to me instead of being creeps." Max says, tilting her head. "I- Uh" Lucas tries before I step in front of him. "Max, do you want to go trick or treating with us?" I ask, smiling. "Other than Y/N being there, why else should I?" She asks. "Well, we know where to get full sized candy bars. We figured you'd want in." Dustin says, doing his signature smile. "That's presumptuous of you." Max says before starting to walk off.

"We're meeting at the Maple Street Cul-de-sac at 7:00" Lucas says. "That's 7:00pm on the dot!" Dustin adds, shouting after her. "Presumptuous. That's a good thing, right?" Dustin says to us this time. I just laugh and turn to walk away, followed by Lucas who heaves a heavy sigh. "Is it bad? Lucas, Y/N, Is it bad?" Dustin asks, trailing after us. This boy is like the little brother I never had, and I couldn't enjoy it more.

Word Count: 1385

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