-Chapter 5: Big Brother Billy-

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Lucas and Dustin lived on the other side, so we said goodbye to them before walking towards where Billy was supposed to be picking Max up. "Hey, Is everything alright?" I ask when I notice she is silent. She looks at me before responding. "What? Oh, yeah. Yeah, everything's....fine." She says. "I have a question." I tell her. She hums in response, urging me to say it. "Does Billy blame you for your family moving to Hawkins?" I ask. She looks at me, straight in the eyes. "How..." She questions. "You two weren't exactly...quiet when you passed my place." I say, scratching the back of my head. "Well, yeah, he kind of does. He blames all of us. Me, My mom, maybe even his dad." She says. I spot Billy's car, parked in front as we walk to it. "He's....angry. Like I said, he hates us. But I think....I think he also understands that he can't exactly change much now." She says as we approach the car.

Billy steps out, cigarette in his hand as he does. "Max, You're late." he says. She rolls her eyes, ignoring him. "If you're late again, you're walking home. You hear?" He says. Max glares at him, saying so much with her eyes. But the only thing that left her mouth was "Okay.". Billy then proceeds to turn to me. "Y/N. Right? The one who lives on Moore street." He notes. I nod awkwardly, scratching the back of my head. "Would you...Would you want a lift home?" he asks, an unnerving smile on his face.

I don't know if I'm supposed to be scared or what. "It's only on the way. No need to walk and get all tired, yeah?" He suggests while smiling and opening the car door and pulling the front seat back to let me in. "Come on, hop in." I looked at Max who looked as confused as I felt. "I...Okay...?" I say, going into the car. He returns the seat into it's position before smiling at Max. "Hop in, Sis." She does and he closes her door. The few seconds we had without Billy in the car, we shared a confused as hell look in the rearview mirror before Billy got in and roared the car to life. He throws his cigarette out the window with a smirk before revving the engine. "I hope you like speed, Y/N." He says before we start moving.

The ride starts silently. Just the roar of the engine and the wind whacking the windscreen. That's until Billy speaks up. "So, Y/N. How long have you been in Hawkins?" He asks. "Uh, most of my life. Since I was 2." I reply, looking out the window. "Yeah? That's fun." He says as we stop at a crossroads. "Maxine and I have been in California most of OUR lives. We just HAD to move to this shithole." he says, revving the engine. "Billy, It's Max. To you, our parents, my friends. Stop calling me Maxine." Max says. "Mhm, right. Max....Max over here seems to have FINALLY made some friends, yeah? I do have to say, though, I do not approve of all of them." He says, driving again. Faster than before.

"Like that one boy? What's his name? The nerdy one who always hangs with the one with no teeth." He says, smirking. Lucas. He was talking about Lucas. "That one? Oh boy, I warn you two. You better stay away from him." He says. "Why?" I ask, feeling defensive for my friend. "He's just one of those types of people. The ones you should stay away from." Billy says, picking up speed. "But you?" He continues, nodding at me through the rearview mirror. "I approve of you." He says, smirking. "It's rare that Max over here gets GOOD friends. Ones that actually look good, are interesting, and maybe even worthy." He says. Max immediately stiffens, as if she knew what he was saying. "Worthy...?" I ask, scared for his answer. "Worthy....to be with the Hargroves." He says, licking his lips. I scrunch my nose in response. Did he mean what I think he means?

Beside him, Max's head snaps at his direction. Stiff posture still there, but a glare to go with it. He opens the window, letting lots of wind blow into the car. "This place is crap. Everyone here is crap. This WORLD is CRAP." He shouts, speeding up the car and bouncing his leg. He starts laughing, like a maniac, hitting the steering wheel with the palms of his hands and whooping loudly. He scares me. So much. His aggressive state, speeding the car five times faster than it should me. His hands, barely on the steering wheel. "Billy, stop." Max says, scared. Billy whips his head to her, grinning from ear to ear and sticking out his tongue in a weird, scary way. "Little sister..." he says before laughing. "I never wanted a sister. I never WANTED a new family. HE gave me one. HE made me LOSE EVERYTHING." He shouts, speeding up again, faster and faster, still hitting the steering wheel and shaking his head wildly

I clutched my seatbelt, closing my eyes. Oh god, this is it? Am I going to die? I could hear Max screaming back at him. "Billy STOP. You're driving too fast!" She shouts. Billy eyes her, smirking, "Little Maxine. Our family's perfect." He hits the wheel. "Little" he hits it again. "Girl" He does it one last time, before swerving the car slightly, making us all get pushed around in our seats. He starts laughing again, turning the music up louder and using his fist to hit the dashboard. "Billy, Please!" She shouts before looking back at me, scared. "Billy, Stop!" I shout. Billy's eyes snap to mine through the mirror, seemingly now remembering I was there before he starts to slow down.

The rest of the way, we ride at a reasonable speed and soon, we arrive at my place. Max gets off immediately, pulling the chair back for me to get out and she pulls me out, hugging me. "Are you okay?" She whispers to me. I nod, feeling tears well up in my eyes. Billy closes his own door, getting off and looking at my house. "If you two are done hugging, Y/N over here has to go home." He says, turning to us. "And we do too." He says to Max. We let go of each other as he says that. "See you at school tomorrow. And please, be safe." I say to Max. 

She nods and hugs me again before waving. Billy nods for her to get back into the car, and she obeys. Billy grabs my wrist before I could go, and hugs me. Slow, gentle, but commanding. Very opposite to his demeanor in the car. "Be careful, Y/N. Be very, Careful around that boy." He whispers. He uses one hand and runs it down my face, his other still hugging me tight. "See you someday." He says before letting go, winking and getting into the car, which I could see Max glaring at him already. It wasn't a look of fear, she wasn't scared, she wasn't angry. About what? I don't know. But I worried for her safety as the car roared away.

I went into the house, my parents washing up from dinner, telling me Robin and her family had left for the night before I went upstairs to my room and proceeded to change. Emotions unavailable until I accidentally kick something. Max's skateboard. It made all the events of what just happened to return and I sank onto my bed, staring into space until I fell asleep.

Word Count: 1267

A/N: This chapter felt so scary to write. I dunno what it is, I just feared Billy as I wrote it.

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