-Chapter 14: Demo-Dogs and Hive-Minds-

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We dash off the hill, towards the lab. "Come on! Come on!" Lucas says, running ahead. "Hold on! I LITERALLY JUST FINISHED FIGHTING THEM. GIVE ME A BREAK" I shout.

We slowly got closer to a clearing in the woods where the entrance to the labs were. At the gate on the other side of the woods, I see figures walking. We got closer to them as the boys shine their flashlights on them, revealing two people. Two familiar people. "Steve?" they ask, spotting him at the front of our group. "Nancy?" He asks. "Johnathan?" Dustin asks. "What are you doing here?" Nancy asks, clearly confused. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Y/N too?" She asks.

As part of the party, I see Nancy a lot. We were also obviously brought together last year when Eleven came. "We're looking for Mike and Will." Nancy says. "They're not in there....are they?" I ask, looking at the lab. "We're not sure..." She says. "Why?" Jonathan asks. Just as he does, a loud ass screech is heard from inside. "That's why." I say.

Almost immediately, they start arguing. I just watched as the argument jumps back and forth between them. Both sides claiming not having seen Will or Mike recently. "The powers back..." Nancy says, making all of us look towards the now lit building. I immediately run to the gate's guard's building, ignoring the pain that throbs at my back. I push the open button, hoping the gate will open. "Shit. Shit!" I say, slamming my hand on the button. "Why...won't...you....open!" I say. It wouldn't do anything. "Y/N! Calm down!" Max says from beside me. I look over and see that everyone is looking at me.

It was weird, I know. But even though Mike and I had arguments and stuff, I refused to lose him. Him or Will. If they were really inside, I will do whatever I can to get them out. One lost party member was enough. Suddenly, the gate beeps and starts opening. I feel so much relief and sprint towards the front. "Nancy and Johnathan jump into her. "We're going in. Wait here in case we need to close the gate." She says before they speed off.


Not too long later, I'm sitting in the guards booth, waiting when Max speaks. "Guys." She says. I look up to see her looking down the road. I walk out of the booth, looking too when two speeding vehicles come rushing towards us. "Look out!" I say as we all run to the side. "Shit, guys, get back!" Max shouts. The cars come rushing out as Nancy's car speeds past us while the other stops in front of us.

It was the Hawkins police car and inside was Hopper. "Let's go!" He says. We immediately scramble into the car and to the back. Lucas, Dustin, Max, Me and Steve last. The car goes racing out of the Lab and onto the road, away from the monsters. I sigh in relief and lean back in the car. We all look at each other, genuinely surprised we're alive. Lucas closes his eyes, leaning back. Dustin leans forward, putting his head in his hands. Steve looks out the window at the mirror, probably checking if anything was following us while Hopper glares at the road. I turn to Max, reaching for her hand. When I find it, I take it in mine, interlacing our fingers. She smiles at me before leaning her head on my shoulder as we drive. For once, not needing to be alert as we drive away from the Lab.

It isn't long until we arrive at the Byers house and pile off into the house. Everyone gets settled into their own thing. Mrs Byers with Will at the sofa while Hopper screams at the phone. Max, Lucas and Mike sit on chairs at the dining table as we watch Hopper. Dustin, refusing to sit, stood in between Mike and Lucas, leaning on the table while I stood behind Max. Once Hopper finishes, he slams the phone back into its place and rubs his head. "They didn't believe you, did they?" Dustin asks. He turns to us. "We'll see." He says. "'We'll see?' We can't just sit there while these things are loose!" Mike shouts. "We stay here, and we wait for help." Hopper says before turning and leaving. I sigh, and rub my hands over my face, touching the wound. I hiss in pain and quickly retract my hand. "Ow." I mutter. Max turns to me, noticing what happened and goes to the bathroom before returning with a first aid kit. "Sit." She says.

I shake my head. "You're so stubborn." She says, rolling her eyes before pushing me so I'm sitting on her chair. "What even happened, Y/N?" Mike asks, watching us. "This idiot here decided to run out into a field of teen demogorgons." Max says, sitting on the table and opening the kit. "What, why?" Mike asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "Steve was in danger." I say. "You were in danger!" Max returns. Silence follows and all we hear was Max taking things from the kit.

She places it on the table beside her after getting some sort of bottle and a cloth. "It's going to sting." She says before putting the liquid on the cloth and holding my face. I can feel everyone's eyes on us, but I only focus on Max. I nod, letting her know I was ready and she brings the cloth closer to my face, letting it touch the wound. The moment the cloth touches my face, I feel an intense amount of pain and wince, moving back. She stops, looking at me. "Sorry." She mutters. "No, it's fine." I say, leaning forward again and placing my face back in front of her, letting her place her hand on my cheek again.

She does it again and I wince, but don't move away. She cleans my wound before removing the cloth and turning back with some cotton and medical tape. She works in silence as she places the cotton on my wound and secures it with the medical tape as a makeshift bandage as the usual ones were too small, and the longer ones would basically cover my face. Once she finishes, she smiles at me, patting my face before closing the kit and getting up to put it away. I look at everyone else and notice they are all looking at me. "What?" I ask. They immediately look away and Mike get's up off his seat. He walks over to the other side as Max returns, sitting back on the table in front of me.

"Did you guys know that Bob was the original founder of Hawkins AV club?" Mike asks us. "Really?" Lucas asks. Mike turns around, something in his hands. "He petitioned the school to start it and everything." He says "Then he had a fundraiser for the equipment." He adds. He walks closer, looking at each of us. "Mr Clarke learnt everything from him." He says. "Pretty awesome, right?" He asks. "Yeah." Lucas and Dustin both say. I nod, tilting my head. He places the thing he's holding on the table. "We can't let him die in vain." He says.

"Well what do you want us to do, Mike?" Dustin asks. "The Chief's right on this. We can't stop those Demo-dogs on our own." He says. "Demo-dogs?" Max asks, turning from where she sat on the table. He looks at her. "Demogorgon. Dogs. Demogorgon dogs. Demo-dogs." He explains. "It's like a compound." He adds "It's like...a play on words." He continues. I lean over from behind Max to see him. "I think we get it." I say.

"I mean, when it was just Dart, maybe." Dustin says."But it's an army now." Lucas adds. "Precisely." Mike just stares in front of him. "His army." He says. "What do you mean?" Steve asks from beside us. "His army." Mike repeats. Max just furrows her eyebrows, confused. "Maybe if we stop him, we can stop his army too." He says before getting up and going to another table. We all look at each other before following the raven haired boy. He picks up some drawings and shoves them into my hands. It was a creepy spider-like creature that was insanely big.

"The shadow monster." I say. "It got Will that day on the field." Mike says, looking at me. "The doctor said it was like a virus. It infected him," he says. "And so this virus is connecting Will to the tunnels?" Max suggests. "To the tunnels, monsters, even the upside down." I say, realising what Mike meant. "Everything" Mike says."Whoa, whoa. Slow down, slow down." Steve butts in. Mike takes the drawing and shows it to Steve. "Okay, so, the shadow monster's inside everything, and if the vines feel something like pain, so does Will." Mike clarifies. "And so does Dart." Lucas says, understanding what we're saying. "Yeah, it's like what Mr Clarke taught us. The Hive Mind." Mike says. "Hive mind?" Steve asks.

"A collective consciousness. It's a super-organism." Dustin says. "And if everything that the monster is in is part of the hive mind, then this." I say, pointing to the drawing of the shadow monster. "Is the thing that controls it all. It's the brain of it." I say. "Like the mind flayer." Dustin says, once again, relating it to DnD. Lucas snaps his fingers, letting us know he understood it, and I smirked. Like old times.

Well....for us. "The what?"

Word Count: 1589

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