-Chapter 10: Do You Accept The Risk?-

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It was now a weekend and I couldn't stand not being able to talk to Max.

Last weekend, we met up at the Arcade where she told me she goes there every weekend to attempt to beat her high score. I really hope she does today too.

After explaining where I was going, I quickly went to Robin's place to tell her a quick plan I had. Knocking on the door loudly, her mom opens the door and smiles when she sees me, "Y/N! Good to see you!" She says, letting me in. I smile awkwardly, looking behind her. "Is...is Robin home?" I ask. Her mom laughs and nods. "With how much she likes sleeping, Where else would she be on a Saturday morning." I thanked her for letting me in and went to Robin's room where I found her sprawled on her bed, awake, but also falling asleep. "Robin!" I say. She jerks awake, looking at me instantly. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" She asks. I quickly filled her in on what happened with Max. She laughs at me and crosses her arms. "Well, my little child friend, YOU, are in deep shit." She says. I roll my eyes. "Ya think?" I ask. She then thinks for a moment before grinning. "I have an idea." She says. "But, you will owe me one." She adds. I sigh, knowing Robin never forgot when I owed her something. "Fine!" I say. She smiles and faces me fully now.

"Okay, so. You said she goes to the Arcade every weekend, right?" She asks. I nod, clearly confused. "And you know she only really goes to beat her Dig Dug score, right?" She says, making me nod again. "So, what if the machine was out of order?" She asks, grinning. "Then...she'd look for another game?" I say, insanely confused. "Yeah...but what if the staff said there was another machine in the back room....where you were." She says, still grinning. "Okay, sure, that would work. Except the only staff is Keith. And....well...." I say, knowing it explains itself. Robin nods, clearly she knew this. "I know. So....what if you offered him a date?" She says. "What? Ew, no. That's.....weird and disgusting." I say. "No! No, not you...." She says, tilting her head. "With me."

I sat there, confused and shocked. "With you?" I repeat. She just nods. "But...." I start, my brain not wrapping around this. "But...you're gay." I say. She nods. "Well I know that. But he doesn't." She says. "You can tell him that you can get him a date with me, and I'll go, deal with him, and never ask for another date." She says, smiling. "Also, that's why you will owe me," She adds. I think about it for a moment before looking at her. "It could work...only if you're really up to it." She says. She nods, smiling. "If my dating life won't work, might as well help you make yours work." She says. I roll my eyes. "Please, even if we become friends again, she doesn't like me like that." I say. Robin just raises her eyebrows. "You sure? Cause from what I saw last time, I'm preeeeety sure she does." She says. I blush, really? Does she? "Whatever." I say before getting up. "I better get to the Arcade. Max usually gets there in like, an hour."

Robin smiles and nods. "Get your girl, Y/L/N."

I dash out of the Buckley household, muttering a quick bye to Robin's mom before grabbing my bike and pedaling to the arcade. When I arrive, I park, run inside and search for Keith. I find him eating popcorn behind the counter and staring at the door. "Hey. Keith." I say, waving. He just looks at me, unamused and continues eating his popcorn. "Erm, I have a...favour to ask" I say. Keith raises an eyebrow "What." He says. "Can you put a sign that says the Dig Dug machine is temporarily out of order?" I ask. He looks at me, staring, weirdly. "I can. But why." He says. "I just want Max to talk to me. So, when she comes, could you explain that it's broken and that you've got another one in the back room, where I will be waiting?" I ask. He nods slowly, eating popcorn again. "I can do that. And I do have another one. But I don't do favours for free." He says. I sigh, rubbing my face tiredly. "Okay I know that. Uh, do you know Robin Buckley?" I ask. I felt really, really wrong doing this. I mean, I was setting a weird guy up, with my gay best friend/sister, who he doesn't know is gay.

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