Twenty three

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~ Annalise

"Only a week left of detention," Reed pipes up next to me as we walk to his car.

I roll my eyes and bitterly smile. "A week too many."

The wind blows his already messy hair all over place. "I'm never gonna hear the end of it."

"Nope. And I still don't know why you were destroying that dude's shoes in the first place," I add.

His mouth goes ajar and his tongue pokes his cheek. "Because revenge is sweet."

I just roll my eyes at that answer.

"Revenge is sweet," I mimic him annoyingly, changing my voice.

He just turns his head to look at me and smile while pulling his bottom lip into his mouth. "Mhm. Got that right."

My stomach suddenly feels a little twisted. I don't like it.

When we get into his car I immediately plug in my phone to play music.

Candy Girl suddenly comes on.

I immediately start humming to the tune.

In the corner of my eye I see Reed glancing to me before looking back at the road.

I sing along quietly. My voice me sounds croaky and cracks several times. I'm extremely tone deaf.

"You sound like shit," the idiot next to me shares.

I turn my head and narrow my eyes. "No one asked for your two cents, dipshit." I smack his arm with the back of my hand.

He smirks but doesn't take his eyes off the road.

I let my eyes linger on his side profile as a tiny smile etches onto my lips. His stupid button nose. And stupid lips that pout out slightly.

Ugly bitch.

Okay, he's not ugly. But it was funny in my head.

I continue to hum along. Fine, I'll spare his ear drums. For now.

When the song's over Chicago by Micheal Jackson begins to play.

He immediately begins singing along.

I furrow my brows and look at him, trying to hold back my grin.

He glances to me. "I had this whole song memorized by the age of nine."

I chuckle. "Yeah?"

The corner of his lip lifts. "Oh yeah," he draws out, his voice deep and raspy.

My eyes widen. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach, sending a chill all over my body.

My face freezes and I look out the window. I can feel my face getting warm.

Why does my stomach feel like that.

Reed clears his throat. "Annalise..."

I look towards him hesitantly. "Hm?"

He glances all over my face before looking away and slightly smirking. "Nothing."

I glare at him.

That stupid knowing grin doesn't leave his mouth.

Fuck my life.

"Look at that, we're here." He abruptly stops in front of the house and I jerk forward.

"Dick," I mutter.

"You and you're compliments. Always know how to flatter a man. C'mon cardamom," he slides out the car and shuts the door.

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