Thirty one

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~ Reed

I groan and rub my eyes from the morning light shining through my window.

When I sit up I look down to my right and jump slightly before realizing Annalise slept here last night.

Her long curly hair is splayed across my pillow as she faces away from me. Her leg is thrown over mine and she hugs one of my pillows to her body.

My face heats up when I realize last night wasn't a dream.

I kissed Annalise Salinas.

And she kissed me back.

I try to stop the stupid grin from forming on my face but it doesn't work.

The sound of my door opening makes me swivel my head and widen my eyes.

"Reed can you take me to the zoo now!" Gracie saunters into my room. Her hair looks like a rats nest and her pink glasses are crooked on her face.


I forgot I promised her last week that I'd take her Saturday.

And it's Saturday.

I groan tiredly and rub my eyes.

"Is that Anise?" Her eyes light up and she skips over to the bed.

"Shhh, she's sleeping," I tell her.

Her eyes widen and her hand immediately goes up to her mouth.

"Can she come to the zoo with us?!," Gracie whisper-yells, not even questioning why Annalise slept over.

I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and look back down to Annalise who is still knocked out.

"Maybe. Just go get ready and get out your pajamas." I shoo her.

She grins ear to ear and nods before scurrying out the door.

Once she's gone I turn to Annalise, placing my hand on her arm to gently shake her.

"Annalise," I gently say.

She stirs, but just hugs the pillow tighter and buries her face in it.

"Annalise c'mon." I calmingly push the hair out of her face. She looks really cute when she's sleeping.

Oh that sounds creepy, I cringe.

After another minute of shaking her awake with no results, I grab my pillow and wack her with it.

Immediately she sits up and death stares me, with now frizzy hair and an annoyed expression.

"Morning sunshine," I grin.

She doesn't respond, just pushes the hair out of her face and moves to the edge of the bed.

Her face is slightly puffy and the under eye circles are a little more prominent.

How does she manage to look pretty even when she just woke up?

A feeling of warm rushes through my whole body when I look at her wearing my clothes.

"Hey," her voice is croaky with sleep. It sounds quite attractive actually.

"Sleep well?"

Her eyes glance to me, then to my lips, then back to my eyes. "Terrible." She purses her lips. I can sense the sarcasm oozing through her tone.

I jokingly frown and tilt my head. "Want a kiss to make you feel better?" A grin soon spreads over my lips and her eyes flare.

Her lips purse and she shakes her head. "God I hate you."

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