Twenty seven

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~ Annalise

The walk to Ro's house is only fifteen minutes but I'm still freezing my ass off and my legs kinda hurt.

He lives at the top of a hill. The streets are all tree lined and shading the streets. Red and orange leaves are scattered everyone.

It's Saturday night so kids are out playing and kicking around a ball in the street in their pajamas.

Some old people sit on their porch sitting in their rocking chairs listening to music.

I'm not sure what movie we're gonna watch at Ro's house but I don't really care cause I'm probably gonna fall asleep anyways.

I'm not good at staying awake during movies.

Once I went to the theatre with Ro to watch The Shallows. Can't tell you anything about what happened.

Ro had ended up throwing bits of popcorn at my head until I woke up towards the end.

Books just keep me more enganged.

My legs burn by the time I reach the top of the hill in the coldasack he lives in.

His house is a medium sized with a porch in the front. His mom's plants and flowers are in pots lining the railing.

When I make it the door I take out my phone to text Ro except suddenly the door opens.

His brother stands there with a nerf gun in his arms. "Name, state and occupation?"

I give him a blank expression. "Landon."

He points the fake gun at me. "I dont know you. How do you know my name? Huh? What are you, a russian spy?"

I just stare at him for a moment. An are you serious? look on my face.

Without another word I push his gun out of my face and walk past him to go inside.

"Hey get back here!" I just keep walking.

Suddenly something hits my butt.

I stop and turn around to see Landon standing there with the nerf gun in his hands. He just shot me.

He looks at me with scared eyes as I stand still, not doing anything yet.

To catch him off guard, I start sprinting towards him and he screams like a little bitch, starting to run away.

"You little-" I try catch up with him.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! Please! Have mercy!" He runs around the couch and I grab a pillow and chuck it hard at his back.

He falls on the rug with a scream.

Before he can get up, I grab his orange nerf gun and point it at him as he lays in the floor.

"Name, state, and occupation?," I ask with a serious face.

"Annalise, Pennsylvania, professional loser," he answers with an evil grin.

A smirk rises on my lip and I pull the trigger.

He screams as the fake bullet hits his forehead.

He tries to scurry away, but I step on his leg and shoot him again in the stomach.

"Please don't shoot my joystick! I need that!" His hands go to cover his crotch area.

My eyebrows lifts. "Your what?!" I stand there confused, wondering if I heard him correctly.

Suddenly he kicks my leg and I fall down. He quickly snatches the gun and shoots me again, hitting my arm.

I death stare at him and he grins. "You're dead."

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