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~ Annalise

I let out a tired breath as I walk through the front door.

School today was...god.

It's like my science teacher is trying to kill me.

And I just got back from work. Mrs. V had bought me coffee though when she came back from the store so that helped a bit with my mood

It's a wednesday afternoon. I hear some subtle Spanish music playing throughout the house. All the windows are open as well, letting in fresh air and sunlight.

After dropping my backpack on the floor, I make my way over to the kitchen and open the cabinet. Hmmm. Frosted flakes or cheerios?

Stupid question. Frosted flakes of course.

I hum to myself as I pour the shit in the bowl and then the milk.

Last thing I ate was an apple this morning so I'm fucking hungry.

I stuff a spoon of cereal into my mouth before glancing to the regular pile of daily mail that's always sitting on the counter top.

Aimlessly, I shove another spoon of cereal in my mouth as I begin going through it.

Water bill, electrical bill, phone bill, bill, bill, bill, New York University-

My entire body freezes and my heart drops to my asshole.

I think I'm going to shit myself.

My hands are cold as they grip onto the thin envelope.

I've imagined this moment many times.

Every scenario of what could happen.

The scenario of me opening it and it saying, sorry but you have been rejected because you suck, good luck though.

The defeat of realizing that what I've spent so long, working so hard for, would go all down the drain.

I've been preparing myself for my failure. But in a tiny corner in the back of my mind I also let myself dream.

I let myself imagine opening the letter to see the escape I've been waiting for since the first time I had to cover my ears with a pillow as Ma and Vera screamed at each other like they wanted to punch with their vocal cords.

And now that the actual moment has come, it feels like time has hit the pause button, even if it stops for no one.

My future depends on the words printed out on this letter.

I tear my gaze away from the letter and look up.

I'm alone in the kitchen right now. It's silent and all I can hear is the sound of birds chirping and faint Spanish music.

My fingers twitch as I look back down to the letter.

Open it.

Hesitantly, my fingers begin to rip at the seal.

My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my fucking chest.

Slowly, I pull the paper out.

My stomach feels as if it's in knots as I open the folded paper.

My eyes skim over the words.

Congratulations you have been-

I don't even keep reading. My mind blanks.

I stand there stiff as a board for several moments, processing.

I got in.

I got in.

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