Thirty three

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~ Annalise

"I don't know- he's just really cute and tall and- ugh," Ro sighs and falls back against the chair.

I sip from my coffee and glance to Mrs. V.

She looks to me and raises her eyebrows while drinking from her big ass thing of coffee too.

We share a knowing look and then look back to Ro.

"Can I see a photo?" Mrs. V lifts her eyebrow curiously.

Ro blushes and pulls out his phone, hesitantly holding it to him.

"How did you meet him?," I ask Ro.

"He said he got my number from someone," he shrugs.

My lip lifts. "Oh really?"

He nods.

"Now show us him," Mrs. V urges.

Ro hesitantly shows us the screen.

It's a photo of a guy who seems to be south asian. He has clear brown skin and soft looking feathery black hair.

My eyebrows raise. "He's cute." I feel like he looks familiar?

Mrs. V stares at the photo through the tops of her glasses as she tilts her head down.

"He remind me of a boy I saw in Jamaica once. He had accidentally cut his hand off with a machete. Blood was everywhere." She shakes her and hands the phone back to Ro.

We stare at her with widened eyes and she casually takes another sip of coffee.

Ro lifts his hand to his mouth and snorts.

Mrs. V lifts her eyebrow at him confused.

"I'm-" He snorts again. "I'm sorry."

I bite back my laugh.

She shakes her head and purses her lips. "Evil."

I grin.

Suddenly she looks to me. "And what about you?"

I take a sip of coffee. "What about me?"

"Any boyfriends or whatever?," she asks. Her thick accent leaking through each word.

My eyes flare and I still for a moment.

"Annalise wants to chop off the dick of every man ever. So no," Ro types on his phone as he speaks.

I swallow and scratch the back of my neck.

Mrs. V stares at me with a curious look. "So no one?"

I open my mouth to speak but then close it again.

"Um," I start. " one."

Her eyes narrow slightly at me and my heart rate picks up. I feel like a speck under her stare.

She purses her lips and nods. "Mhm."

I look down to my lap and say nothing.

No one. What would Ro do if he found out that I've made out and well, dry humped, with his cousin?

God he would be so disappointed in me. I can already hear his voice in my head telling me I'm crazy.

"Omg-" Ro's voice snaps me out of my head. "He wants to hang out soon."

Mrs. V's eyes widen. I grin mischievously.

I flip my gaze back to him. "Well, are you gonna do it?"

He looks to me and picks at his lip as he thinks.

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