Thirty nine

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~ Reed

"And then I told Christine that she needs to stop blasting her shitty music every time she's in the car." Aunt Marcie sips her coffee while sitting on a bar stool at the island in the kitchen. We're the only ones up right now. It's a Saturday and only 8am.

I widen my eyes and take a sip of coffee while leaning against the counter, pretending to be interested in whatever shit my aunt is complaining about. "Oh wow..."

"I know right! Who chooses some bad music where they're all yelling over some Frank Sinatra? People these days have absolutely zero taste!" I try not to laugh as she continues.

"What's your favorite Sinatra song? I've wanted to start listening to him more." No I haven't.

Her eyes light up and she immediately stands up and heads over to her CD player which she has set up in the kitchen.

Is she a rich old woman who still uses a CD player? Yes.

She's always had a thing for them. Says they remind her of the 90s. She had gotten one for Alina when she was twelve and therefore now I have one because as a younger brother it's my job to take things from my older sister.

Aunt Marcie grabs one of the CDs from the stack on the counter and pops it in, then clicking play.

Fly Me To The Moon starts playing.

Her eyes immediately close and she starts to hum, dancing around to the music.

A grin takes over my face and I chuckle.

"Come here boy, dance with your annoying old auntie." She opens her arms and continues to sway back and forth.

The grin doesn't wipe from my face as I place the coffee down and stand up, sauntering over to her.

She hums loudly. All the windows are open, letting the morning light in, being able to see the little dust particles floating in the air.

She grabs one of my hands and holds it out while the other goes on my shoulder, then hugging me to her.

It feels comforting. Like a motherly hug I haven't felt in a long time.

My parents were invited to come stay at their house this weekend actually too.

But of course, my mom was working. And my dad...well, he doesn't care to hang out with family. Which is better for Gracie and I anyway, so I don't mind.

And my aunt Marcie doesn't take any offense to it. I think she knows how her brother is and has accepted that.

"Look at that! My nephew can dance to some old Frank!" I chuckle and lean down to rest my chin on her shoulder. She's a bit of a shorter woman so my neck is kind of hurting.

"Of course I can," I mumble, pretending to act surprised at her claim.

She chuckles and when we sway in a circle I see Annalise leaning against the counter with a smirk on her face as she rests her chin in her hand.

"Oh, hey," I mutter with a tiny smile at the view of my girlfriend who has tired circles under her eyes and an attractive lazy look of amusement.

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