Chapter 20

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~A Dream... 11 Years Earlier~

"Is anyone home?! Open up!"

Damien frowned at the urgent tone of whoever was knocking on the door, and getting up from the chair he walked straight to the wooden door, that housed the small cottage he lived in with his dear parents.

The knock resounded again, and without wasting any more time he unlocked the door, revealing three men, who had a look of alarm on their faces.

As he was about to ask what the problem was, his eyes flew down to what they were carrying, and he nearly fell to the floor in shock when he sighted the crumpled figure of his limp father.

The sight was an eyesore to behold, and lips dropping open in shock, Damien noted that his father was nearly unconscious with a huge gash in his thigh, feets and both his hands injured as well, bleeding profusely.

The sight of these wounds threw Damien off balance, and he began to wonder what could have happened. His father had been fine this morning. He had been perfectly okay... so, so what the hell was this?

"What happened!" He yelled, falling to the floor and placing an arm on his father.

"Dad?" His hands shook, as he tried desperately to rouse him awake but he was unresponsive, saying nothing, his eyes open but blank.

"There was an accident at the factory." One of the men volunteered in explanation, sweating heavily as he added, "One of the machines had a malfunction and it... it fell right on top of him while it was working. It's a miracle he wasn't cut into two, and rolled over before more harm could be done."

'Before more harm could be done?' Damien gasped in horror as the image of his father in two halves, formed in his mind abd he almost cursed out loud.

His heart pounding in his chest, he hurriedly locked the door and placing a hand underneath his father to help carry him up, he began to ask the questions that were on the tip of his tongue.

"Why didn't you take him directly to the hospital from there? Why bring him home this way?" Damien yelled, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, as he continued the words forming furiously, "The hospital isn't too far from the factory so why bring him here?"

"We wanted to... but... but Mr Connor ordered us to take him back to his family. He said you people would sort him out. If I could quote, he did say we should dump your father at home, and come back to work immediately."

"Wait what? Mr Connor..." Damien trailed off in disbelief, his face whitening and the name chilling him to the core. Why would that man do that? The hospital was right there, few miles away from the factory, and he had ordered them to walk the long distance to their house?

Tossing the thoughts out of his mind for the meantime, knowing that pondering on the situation was going to do no help, Damien begged the men to help him lift his father up and take him to the hospital, before they could go back to their workplace. He was the only one at home, and it would be increasingly difficult for him to take his father alone.

When they finally got to the hospital, the first thing Damien did was to call up his mother, and bitterly with tears flowing for his face, he informed her about everything that had happened, trying to keep his tone strong as she sobbed over the phone and informed him that she was on her way over.

"Mom, we need to get the money so they can commence treatment, please. I don't...I don't know what to do. I've scraped up my life savings but it isn't nearly enough to foot the hospital bills. The money from the mechanic shop will barely do nothing, and I've gotten some money from Alvarez too but still we have a long way to go interns of finances. What do we do?" He asked, already close to breaking down but he held himself steady.

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