Chapter 65

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Damien munched on his toast and scrambled eggs in satisfaction.

His morning had begun on a very good note. With the cool air and the amazing view of the sunrise right outside his window, he couldn't possibly wake up in a bad mood.

The first thing he had done was to head to the gym, and after an hour of rigorous exercise he had come back to his room, drenched in sweat but invigorated as well.

After that he had taken a long cool shower, and since he had already requested for room service before going to the gym, the knock that sounded on his door by 9AM did not surprise him.

They had brought in the requested breakfast meal, and right now he was almost done with it. A fresh glass of juice sat on the edge of the tray and as soon as he was done with the eggs and toast, he gulped the fresh squeezed fruit juice down.

Thirty minutes later, Damien sat in the balcony of his suite. He had finished his morning routine, checked in with the company, with his mother, and with the hotel as well.

He decided to take a tour round the city, wanting to see what must have changed during the years. He didn't know how long it would be before he actually got another vacation such as this, or even come back to this damned city so he wanted to make the most of his time here.

Without giving himself the chance to think it through, before changing his mind, he quickly wore some more comfortable clothes and picking up his car keys, he proceeded to exit his luxurious suite.

Prior to his leave, he had already looked up all the tourist centers in the city online and selecting the best ones and the ones which seemed the most interesting, Damien copied them all into his phone in form of a list so he wouldn't forget. That done, he headed downstairs.

It was beautiful and sunny outside, but not too hot.

This was the exact kind of weather Damien enjoyed. He had always enjoyed it right from when he was small, and now he could note that nothing had changed.

The view of the hotel's exterior was magnificent that for a few seconds after he got outside, he stood staring at it marveling at the nice structure, and falling in love with his building before finally getting into the car.

Damien was more than proud of himself, and inhaling some fresh air in satisfaction, he turned on the ignition of the vehicle, and then he drove off. He didn't speed as he usually would because his goal today was to enjoy the view, and not have anything worry him at all.

Something at the back of his mind made him feel like he should be working instead of touring, but he quickly shook those thoughts away.

He rarely ever had time for himself, and he would certainly dedicate today to that cause. Besides, as soon as he started the investigations on the Connors— his main reason for being in London —he would be so focused on it that taking time off for himself would not even occur to him, so he would make use of this opportunity that presented itself.

This was a rare opportunity for him to relax, away from work, even if it was just for a few days, and he planned to enjoy it to the fullest.

For hours Damien drove from one tourist center to the next and with each, he was always so transfixed by the sight that leaving seemed so hard.

He had never seen such beautiful places, not even in New York, and a sense of nostalgia was already beginning to envelope him as he stared longingly out in the view.

While he had lived in this city some years back, he didn't have the time, and money to visit this part of town and now it felt so new and strange to him. His heart ached.

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