Chapter 39

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Damien was late for his meeting.

From the moment he had woken up, he knew today was going to go horribly.

He raced up from the bed, apologizing to a grumbling Katherine who lay by his side, complaining when his arm grazed her. He muttered his apologies, quickly jumping into the bathroom to get ready for work and when he was done he grabbed the first suit his fingers touched and quickly pulled it on.

Fully ready, he cast one last glance in the mirror before walking out of the closet.

"Hey babe. I made breakfast for you." He heard Katherine say as he stepped out of the closet.

He wondered how she had woken up so quite early and made breakfast for him, but then he was not one to say anything or question her. He looked over at where she was seated on the bed, and saw a tray which contained what looked like toast and scrambled eggs carefully placed on the bed, and Damien shook his head negatively indicating that he was not going to have any food.

He was late for work already, and the last thing he wanted to eat was the burnt toast and undercooked eggs he was currently staring at. He thought to himself, internally grimacing.

"I'll just get something at the office, okay. I'm late as it is now." Walking back to the bed to give her a kiss on the forehead, Damien gave a dramatic bow and moved walked out of the room, pretending not to see her face which was pulled into a frown.

Quickly he drove off to work.

Once he got there he settled into his office, and began to go through his schedule for today.

He had a lot to do and he didn't even know what to get started with at the same time. Calling his secretary in to fetch him a cup of coffee, he grabbed some files and then began to work. When he had marked off half of the things on his schedule, he decided to go through his mails and check for new ones.

His eyes widened when he saw an unread mail from Wilder Industries. Quickly tapping it open, he went through it, breathing out in relief when he saw it wasn't anything too important. His eyes skimmed through the rest of the mail box, skeptical at first to close it.

He was already done checking them all but as he made to exit the app, his hand hovered over the exit button.

He knew there was something he had been forgetting, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it, until...

Yes! He instantly recalled. It was the mail he had received from the private investigator. The one concerning some important infos about the Connors that he had forgotten to check yet again.

It had been so long ago Damien began to wonder why he never got a chance to go over it, and as he thought about it he realized that every time he wanted to open it, one thing or the other came up. Sighing, he tapped on the button to open the mail, and just as it began to load, albeit slowly his restless finger moved over a key on the screen, and poof... He deleted the mail by accident.

"No, no, no..." Damien inhaled sharply, trying to undo it, but it was already too late, "Fuck! Fuck! What the hell!" He yelled, raking his fingers through his hair as he searched for a solution but to no avail.

Now that he had finally remembered to read it, it had gotten deleted.

What kind of bad luck was this? Damien wondered, cursing internally. He knew that email was important, and the investigator had touched heavily on the fact that it was very important, but now he had lost it and he had no idea what to do at all.

Cursing himself over and over again, Damien grabbed his phone from his desk and quickly dialed Mr Rudiger's number.

"Hello?" He spoke into the receiver when the investigator picked up.

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