Chapter 69

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Katherine eyed the nurse in contempt as she disconnected the tubes they had fixed in her, pulling out the cannula gently.

Hissing, Katherine pushed the nurse aside and stood from the bed. Being in this darn place had felt like being caged, and she longed to teach all these bastards a lesson.

They'd had the audacity to push her around and drug her at will, and once again she still hadn't gotten over the fact that the idiot who called himself a doctor had said she was crazy.

She had a mental illness right? Well she would show them she was really mad by the time she was done with them.

Shutting down the damn hospital should be enough of a lesson to them, and she would do so as soon as she got her bearings. She would get in touch with her lawyer soon, and take matters in her hands.

She had gotten the chance to speak with her father about this, saying bad things about the staffs, and as soon as he could, he had sent someone over to London, calling and ordering the hospital to discharge his daughter.

According to the hospital rules, they were supposed to keep her for further observation, enroll her into therapy with a capable therapist, and administer drugs to her seeing that they had diagnosed her with something so critical.

After that, she would then have weekly sessions with a therapist and all that but Katherine saw all of this as bullshit, calling the doctor fake.

Her father, being as influential as he was, pulled a few strings and greased a few palms and everything else that happened had been easy.

The secretary her father had sent had arrived at the hospital this afternoon and immediately, without any protests the staff had discharged her.

She hated to leave without suing the hospital almost immediately since she had requested for her lawyer to also come, but her father had urged her to calm down, and she grudgingly agreed when he gave some reasons why she should just mellow down a little.

Standing from her bed, Katherine cast a dirty look at the nurse and the ward she was in. It was tiny and painted white from top to bottom and the sight made Katherine sick.

She still didn't know how she had survived days in this place. The stench of drugs and disinfectant made her sick to the stomach, and the fact that she abhorred hospitals as a whole made her case even worse.

Hell, she could count on her fingers the times she had ever been in a hospital, and it was not even up to five times, with this time being the long she'd ever stayed hospitalized and the worst experience actually. But they would pay heavily!

Disgusted with the room, the hospital, and the disgusting gown she still had on, Katherine pushed past the nurse again, "Out of my way, bitch!"

The nurse fell backwards, rubbing her arm as she stared at Katherine in shock and anger, but Katherine couldn't care any less.

She glared at the doctor who was still conversing with the secretary her father had sent.

"Be grateful that I decided not to sue this useless hospital right this instant." She sneered, pointing her finger at his face, "The only reason you still have a job right now is because my father is generous. But you won't be so lucky next time. You hear me? Just so you know I'm not even done with you!" She finished, and without waiting for his response or some final checkups, she pushed past him and walked out of the room.

"Here ma'am, let me help you." The secretary quickly said, following as she stepped out of the door.

Katherine rolled her eyes but said nothing, and letting the secretary lead her out of the hospital to the car park where a limousine was waiting for her, she could only keep mute.

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