Chapter 109

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"I have to see him, Mason. I have to...." These were the words that Madison kept on repeating all through the ride from the beach to the nearby hospital.

The second the car stopped, just behind the ambulance that had conveyed Damien's still unconscious body, Madison fumbled with the now freed car locks and hurriedly stepping out of the car, she rushed towards the nurses and doctors cluttered around the emergency vehicle.

Mason was right behind her, calling out to her and begging her to slow her pace and calm down, but she wasn't listening at all.

Nothing he was saying made any sense. Nothing anybody said made sense. She just had to see Damien.

She had to see him by all means, even if her whole body ached, and she could feel the pain of her battered body racking through her.

"Madison, please stop. Don't go there...." Mason shouted from far behind, but she didn't stop walking until she was standing with the doctors.

She watched as the medical team brought a stretcher and placed Damien's body on it.

Tears poured down her face, and Madison brought her hands to her mouth, covering her lips as she tried to stifle the sobs threatening to spring out.

Her legs were trembling heavily, and she could feel her feet threaten to give way underneath her, but she held herself still.

Mason was now standing by her side, and she could hear police sirens everywhere, but her eyes were fixated on Damien and the stretcher.

She felt her brother try to place his hands on her shoulders, perhaps to console her, but she shrugged his shoulders away, her legs taking a step forward.

"Madison, allow me to touch you. Let me..."

"There's nothing you can do right now, Mason. You've caused me so much pain in the past, and I have no idea why you're even here, but what's with the fake love?" Madison spat out angrily, shooting a scornful gaze at him, her vision blurry as she dragged her face away.

"Madison, please..." Mason began yet again, but his words were lost as she focused all her attention on the now-moving stretcher Damien was on.

A nasal cannula was already attached to his face, and the second the stretcher started to roll away, Madison's feets quickened, and like a crazy person, she ran towards the gurney.

Placing her hands on the stretcher, she began to beg him to wake up, and even though she heard the nurses asking her to leave the stretcher, she paid them no heed and continued to follow them till they got to the operating room.

"Please, Damien... please. Just wake up for me, please. Maddie is talking to you. Your morning rose... the woman you love. You can't go to meet our dead child just yet. She wants us to give birth to many siblings for her. Either by adoption or whatever she wants us to..."

"Madam, please, you have to leave the gurney. We are entering the ER, and it's out of boundary. I'm sorry, ma'am, but..."

"Leave me the fuck alone." Madison raged outrageously, her hair flailing, "This isn't about boundaries! I don't care what you say. All I know is that he has to wake up! I need to see him! I need him back. I need him back...."

"Sorry, ma'am, but we'll be forced to call security on you. You're stopping us from doing our job on time, and we have little time on our side." A woman dressed in white and blue overalls said defiantly, her jaw set too.

"I..." Madison began, her grip on the wheeled stretcher tightening, but her shoulders slumped further when the doctor's words resonated in her head.

'They had little time, and she was stopping them from doing their job.'

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