Chapter 26

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Two Days Later


Madison tried and failed to stifle her groan, as she climbed out of the train, one hand lugging her bags behind her and the other supporting her waist.

To describe her situation in one word, she was simply exhausted.

She was so tired, and the two days spent on the train had felt like two years to her, especially since she had to ration the cash she had so she wouldn't spend all of it on food.

This was also one of the reasons, why she felt like there was a huge hole was forming in her stomach.

Despite her legs hurting so much from sitting for so long, she continued the journey from the train station to outside, noting that she still had a long way to go.

She flagged down a taxi that would take her closer to the town where she lived, and praying silently that it wouldn't cost too much, luckily for her she got a really affordable one, and after about thirty minutes of driving round the busy street, she finally arrived.

She was home at last.

The tiny house was even shabbier than Madison remembered.

The piece of wood one of her friendly neighbors had put up for her for easily walk-in and access her house had fallen in, and the swampy, soggy surroundings was only made worse with the occasional rains here and there. Now she was extremely grateful she was wearing boots.

Her heart clenched painfully, as she stared at the exterior of her tiny home.

It was in such a state of disrepair that Madison knew it was no better than those run down cheap motels, she had stayed in while she was in New York.

There was no difference at all.

The green paint from the wall, had peeled off so much that the soft wood which was already beginning to be raided by termites was peeking through.

Although she had not even opened the door yet she could already discern the musty odor emanating from the room from a distance.


She swiveled around, startled to see an elderly woman who had a huge smile on her face. From the way she wiped her hands on the material of her skirt, Madison could tell that she had been washing.

"Mrs. Sterling." Madison grinned widely. "Good to see you."

The older woman laughed, appraising Madison, "You too! It feels like forever since you told me you were going for you last gig. I missed you so much." She paused for a while and then continued, "How are you doing? You look great, by the way."

Before Madison could reply, the woman had turned back in the other direction, calling out her fellow woman, "Jerry! Landon! Guess who's here?"

Madison chuckled as the other neighbors slipped out of their houses to welcome her back.

After asking how she was and talking for a little bit, they bade her goodbye and moved back to their houses.

Madison wiped her eyes from how hard she had been laughing, and now she was only just realizing that she did miss her neighbors. She missed the people that made her every day life worth living. Her house might be a mess but she was glad for her neighbors.

They had always been nice and supportive, and Madison found no reason to feel ashamed in front of them.

She smiled once more, turning to walk back into her house when she heard a loud squeal. As she turned in surprise, she didn't get the chance to do anything because little John, one of her neighbors son had launched himself at her.

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