Chapter 72

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"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?"

Damien watched in amusement as Mason Connor spat, his hands clenching into fists as he glared at him.

He was giving out the exact reaction he desired, and now by yelling, he was only trying to coat his embarrassment with fury but Damien could see right through it and honestly it was simply pathetic to watch.

He wondered if Mason had learned anything from this downfall, that had befallen his family.

Had the motherfucker learnt values, lessons, morals, manners, anything at all? Damien didn't think so, because by the looks of things, he had gained nothing.

And all Mason Connor seemed to have lost from before was the wealth his family had, but even till now his sour attitude still remained.

Damien clicked his tongue.

It was just like the Connors to feel threatened when they sensed competition, or any sign that someone was in a better position than they were, and it was also another reason why Damien would enjoy flinging them down their imaginary high horse and teaching them a lesson.

"Mason! Is everything okay? I think I heard someone knocking," A voice from the interior of the house sounded, and instantly Damien recognized the voice as that of Mrs Connor.

That woman... He would have loved to see her and even greet her.

The love he had for Madison had been transferred to her mother, and she was the only member of the Connor household apart from her daughter, that treated him like a human being.

Back then she had treated him like her own son, welcome him anytime with welcome arms, unlike her husband and sons.

Shooting him a glare, Mason poked his head back into the house for a few seconds as he yelled in reply before stepping out and shutting the door behind him, "It's nothing, mom. And there's no one at the door either!"

"Now look here, you fucker. I don't know what the hell you're thinking that you thought you could step here, or what you think you can accomplish my coming here but I want you to know one thing..."

"And what's that huh?" Damien taunted.

"You are not welcome here. You are never welcome at all! I would have thought years of experience would have taught you never to try and cross me, but it seems you just don't learn." Mason added in a menacing tone, and he said his words with such seriousness that Damien couldn't help but laugh.

Even when he had nothing Mason Connor still had the nerve to act all haughty with him. So typical and highly reserved of him.

"Speaking of the past, I see there's been quite the..." Damien trailed off, making sure his eyes moved from Mason's attire to the tiny house, as he finished a small smirk forming on his face, "Development."

Mason immediately flushed with anger but he was too dumbstruck to say anything for a while, giving Damien the ample opportunity to say all the message he had to pass across.

"The last time I saw you, you were up there on your high horse, and now?" Damien asked with a chuckle, "The almighty Connors live in a dump. What a shame."

The mockery in his voice was evident in each word, and he wanted his statement more than anything to sting and pierce into Mason's selfish heart.

All the shame Mason was feeling and showing at this point was what fueled him, and Damien was being irreversibly unapologetic.

After all he was only giving him a taste of his own medicine.

"Fuck off." Mason muttered under his breath, "You don't know a thing so don't act like you have everything figured out. And as for your information, we still own some properties. We're not as poor as you think. You get that?"

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