Chapter one

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Me, Taylor and Belly were all in my room finishing up packing, me and belly were going to cousins like we do every summer to stay at the beach house with the fishers. It was my favourite time of year without a doubt.

"I bet you guys are going to miss me so much." Taylor exaggerates.

"Ugh I wish you could come Tay, it would be so fun with the three of us going." Belly groaned.

"I know right! But at least we get to see you on our birthdays." I stated.

"True true, anyways belly, what is this swimsuit? You're not trying out for the swim team for crying out loud, you need something to show off your new boobs!" Taylor tells her.

"I agree, why don't you borrow my pink bikini, it's your size anyways." I say.

"Ugh fine, but I'm still bringing my swimsuit for my night swims." She agrees.

Me and Taylor clap our hands in excitement.

"Girls, come on we need to go!" My mom yells.

We all bring the suitcases down the stairs and hug Taylor goodbye, and then we hop into the car to start the journey.

I love this drive, it's always the same, every year. We go over the same bridges, pass the same shops, the beach smells the same, and we all sit in the same seats of the car, every year.

"We're here!" Steven exclaims.

Me and belly help get the suitcases out of the trunk when Jeremiah come running towards us.

He lifts up belly into a bone crushing hug.

"Look who came back all grown up!" He jokes.

"Jesus cammie you too, why is everyone growing." He laughs.

I giggled.

The person I've been looking forward to seeing the most walked round the corner, Conrad fisher.

He noticed me instantly so I ran over and I gave him a huge hug.

"I missed you con." I mumble into his shoulder.

"I've missed you more cam." He says, brushing my hair away from my face.

Oh how I've missed those bright blue eyes.

I am in love with Conrad, and he's in love with me. But we never admit it. Our relationship consists of, long hugs, pecks on the forehead or on the cheek, and loads of fun, Connie brings out the best in me. Susannah always said that I was destined for one of her boys, I think we all know that it's Conrad I'm destined for.

We all walk inside and see Susannah, susannah is like a second mom to me, as well as laurel, we're all a big happy family.

I go up to my room and start un packing when I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in." I say gently.

"Whatchu' doing?" Jeremiah asks.

"Un packing, what's up?" I reply.

"Me, belly and Conrad are going down to the beach in ten, wanna come?"

"For sure, I'll be down in five."

"Awesome." he says exiting my room.

I get changed into my aqua blue bikini and run downstairs in my flip-flops.

"To the beach!" I yell.

We all run as fast as we can until we reach the beach.

"Wanna race?" Jere asks.

My boy | Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now