Chapter four

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I woke up next to Conrad, as soon as he noticed I was awake he gave me a quick peck on the forehead.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He says.

He talks to me in his bloody morning voice.

"It's too early I need more sleep." I say curling up into a ball.

Connie gets out of bed a throws me over his shoulder and runs outside next to the pool.


Of course susannah gets her phone out and starts recording.

"ONE.. TWO.. THREE.." Conrad counts down.

He chucked me in the pool, fully clothed.

Oh I'm gonna get him back for that.

"Owch I think I hurt my ankle, can you help pull me back up?" I ask holding my hand out.

As he grabs my hand, I use all my force and pull him in.

"Oh you little-." He starts.

I get out of the pool before Connie could pull me back in and changed into dry clothes.

Susannah decided that she'd just do the shopping for us since the brunch was today.

She picked out a cream coloured dress with puffy sleeves , some white silk gloves and a brown bag.

(What she wore) (I am so sorry I don't have the link to the pic because this was saved a while ago)

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(What she wore) (I am so sorry I don't have the link to the pic because this was saved a while ago)

Laurel drove me and belly to the hall so we could go to brunch.

We waved goodbye and walked towards the hall when we saw Jeremiah.

"Jeremiah!" Belly yells.

He doesn't notice us.

"Jere?" I yell.

He sees us.

"Belly, cammie, I could barely recognise you guys!" Jere laughs.

We link arms with him and he walks us inside.

"Jeremiah?" A lady asks.

"Paige." He says kissing her hand.

"What are you doing here Jeremiah? And where is your top?"

"These are the two lovely ladies my mother told you about, Isabel Conklin and Camila Garcìa." He starts

"My future wives." He whispers.

"Jeremiah you can leave now."

He giggles and leaves.

"Ladies you are at table two."

I take one glance at table two and see the girl that said she was connies girlfriend.


Me and belly walk over and sit next to the other girls.

Belly seems fairly confident and jumps into the others conversations straight away.

I zoned out until one of the girls started talking to me.

"Where are you applying?" She asked.

I was about to say that I was still in high school and haven't thought about college yet, but a girl cut me off.

It was Conrad's so called 'girlfriend'

"Oh Camilas only a sophomore, that's right isn't it. I think that's what Conrad told me."

I just nod my head and stay quiet.

"Hey, just ignore Nicole, she says she's dating Conrad when we all know they've never even kissed." Another girl whispers to me.

The girl was really sweet, her name was Shayla and she was seeing belly's brother Steven.

"So Nicole, what's life like with Conrad at the moment?" Gigi asks.

"Oh-em-gee, it's amazing! He's just so cute." She brags.


"Yeah we've made it official now."


"I think I'm going over to his tonight."


I felt like flipping the table over but instead I just excused myself to the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair and makeup.

Then Nicole walked in.

"Hey girl, you okay?" She asks.

She did seem a little bit nice so I played along.

"Yeah I'm alright." I reply.

"Have you spoke to Conrad recently?"

"Uh, yeah why?"

"Hm, okay."

I take it back, she doesn't seem nice.

"You coming back to the brunch now?" She asks.

"Uh yeah okay."

I want to go home, now.

Luckily when I got in everyone started leaving so I ran downstairs and hopped in laurels car.

"You guys okay?" Laurel asks.

"Yup!" Belly says.


"Oh yeah I'm okay."

The second we pulled into the driveway I ran to Conrad's room.

I knocked on his door.

"Come in!" He says.

"Heard you're having your little girlfriend round later." I say, leaning on the doorframe

I got straight to the point.

"What, who said that?" He asked.


"You were with Nicole?

"Deb thing."


"She was telling everyone that yous are official and how she's coming over later."

"Ugh." He mumbles and grabs his phone.

"What you saying to her?"

"I'm texting her to come over."


After all that.

I just walked out without saying anything else.

I decided to change into my swimsuit and go for a swim to clear my head.

I had been swimming for at least an hour when I heard yelling, it was getting closer and closer to me.

The voice that was yelling sounded familiar.


I peaked over the ledge of the pool slightly and saw Nicole and Conrad walking outside.



for those who didn't notice, in the last chapter I took out the part where Camila and Conrad kiss and ask each other out and stuff, I felt it was going too fast and I had a whole story to fill.

My boy | Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now