Chapter eleven

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I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in.

In Connie's arms.

Ugh I could stay like this forever.

I look up to see Conrad scrolling on his phone.

When he realises I'm awake he says.

"Morning Cam, sleep well?"

"Yup, you're bed is extremely comfy."

"I wish you could stay here every night."

Me too Con, me too.

He pecks my forehead and I bury my head back into his chest to smile.

I raise my head back up to look at him.

"So when do you think we should tell the others?" I ask.

"Hm, I'm not sure. I mean my mom knows, Belly knows, Taylor knows, I'd say today but if you think that's too quick we can wait." He offers.

"Today sounds great."

"Perfect. Maybe we should go downstairs to get breakfast, I think Steven and Jere are away to work anyways so we can break the news to them later."

"Hm, give me five more minutes, and then we can go down."


I cuddle into him and he wraps his arm around me.

I look up at Conrad's phone and see photos of tux's.

But not just any tux.

Tux's that match my ball dress.

I was so happy I could POP.

(I didn't pop by the way)

I love him so much.


She asked for five more minutes so I gave her five.

She cuddled into me so I put my hand round her

I love this girl so much.

I pulled my phone back out and look at pictures on tux's that match cam's dress.

This ball seemed special to her so I didn't want to muck anything up.

I finally found the right tux and ordered it.

I smiled at myself because I knew how happy this would make her.

I love making her happy.

I look back down at her and see that she was staring at my phone the whole time.

"Dang it, it was meant to be a surprise." I groan.

"Sorry, but thank you. It's a really cute idea." She apologises

"Anything for you."

She smiles.

Her smile is so gorgeous.

"Has anyone ever told you how unbelievably beautiful your smile is?" I ask.

"Well I mean you just did." She shrugs.

She smiles again.

"Sorry to break it to you but our five minutes is over." I tell her.

"Oh god now we have to tell the moms." She realises.

"That's going to be ten times easier than telling the boys."

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