Chapter eight

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"What's wrong?" Susannah asks, running outside along with my mom.

"I don't have an escort to take to Nicole's stupid party."

"Oh dear, why don't you just show up to the party and tell Nicole that you haven't decided yet, I'm sure she'll understand." My mom says.

"Ugh I'm going to end up going to the ball all alone." I groan.

"Sweetie that won't happen I'm sure." Susannah says trying to reassure me.

I ran up to my room to take a quick shower. I had my shower speaker in with me so I ended up singing 'what makes you beautiful' by one direction.

Once I got out the shower I raked through my wardrobe trying to find the perfect dress.

Once I got out the shower I raked through my wardrobe trying to find the perfect dress

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(The dress) (pic creds:

I decided just to stick with belly the whole party and pray that no one asked me who my escort was.

I put on my heels and was about to leave when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back.


"Can I speak to you when you get back please?" he asks.

"Of course, now I gotta go, wish me luck." I say giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

I hop into Cameron's car and he drives us there.

The whole drive there was silent, until belly spoke to me

"You okay Cammie? you're a little quieter than usual."

"Yeah yeah, I'm okay. Just don't really wanna go to the party but it's whatever."

"You'll be fine, just stick with bells." Cameron says.

I nod my head and step out of the car once we pull up.

We walk into Nicole's house and belly links her arm with mine and we walk over to the group of girls.

"Hey belly!" Nicole says hugging her.

Nicole takes one look at me and just walks back to where she was standing before.

Shayla notices that she ignored me so she came over and hugged me saying hello.

"So belly did you finally ask cam to be your date?" Gigi asks.

"Yup! He's here tonight." She replying, pointing over at cam.

"What about you Camila, who did you bring?" Shayla asks me.

"Uh, I haven't picked a date yet."

"What do you mean? The waltz rehearsal is tomorrow and you NEED a date for it." Nicole says.

"I- uh I know but I plan to ask the person tonight so it'll be okay."

I lied, I didn't know who I was taking.

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