Chapter two

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I woke up and glanced at my alarm clock.


I felt so awake, so I decided to just get up.

I walked downstairs and grabbed the family cookbook, i knew what I was going to do with all my spare time.

I flipped through the pages of the cookbook until I found the recipe I was looking for.

'Belly's birthday pancakes'

Every year since we were little, we've always made belly the same Mickey Mouse pancakes.

I gathered all the ingredients and started cooking.

As I was waiting for the pancakes to cook, i heard someone walking down the stairs.

It was Conrad.

"What you making?" He asked.

He took a huge sniff.

"Smells amazing."

He smiled

You know the metaphor, "your smile lights up the whole room" well that's what Conrad's smile does.

"Well I'm trying to make belly's birthday pancakes but it's not as easy as it looks."

"Here I'll help."

He puts one hand on my waist and the other around my wrist.

He helped me flip the pancakes until we were out of mix.

"Connie?" I ask.


"Do you remember our conversation last night?"

"Uh, I don't think so. Oh god, what did it say?"

My heart dropped. I felt hurt that he was just drunk when he said that I was the only one.

"Oh- nothing."

Conrad looked confused and kept asking me what he'd said, but I kept ignoring him. Soon after, Susannah, laurel and my mom all came down to set up decorations.

"Aw, did you guys make the pancakes already?" Laurel asks.

"Yeah, sorry guys, I couldn't sleep."

"Aw that's okay sweet girl, thank you for the help." Susannah said while placing a kiss on my forehead.

"And Conrad, did you help too?" My mom asks.

"Uh- it was mostly cammie." He answers.

"Well since you're so awake cam, could you help with the balloons?" Susannah suggests.

"Sure!" I reply.

I turned round to see if Conrad was going to help, but he'd already made it back to his room.

"So what did Conrad say after last night?" Laurel asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Susannah told me and val about your heated conversation last night after the bonfire, did you bring it up this morning?"

"I did, but he didn't remember."

"Oh don't look so down my sweet girl, you know what I always say. Drunk words-." Susannah starts.

"Are sober thoughts." I finish.

"You and Conrad are made for each other hun, trust me. He'll come around eventually." My mom says while hugging me.

"What we talking about down here." Jeremiah asks.

"Boy trouble." Laurel whispers.

"Laur!" I exclaim.

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