Chapter fifteen

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I wake up and instantly pick up my phone to check my notifications.

*1 text from mom*
*little bro 💙 tried calling you*
*my girl 🫶 tagged you in her story*

I click on the story notification and smile

I click on the story notification and smile

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My heart melts.

I stare at my ring and smile.

I love her more than anything.


I searched all night for my ring but I can't find it anywhere.

My only plan was to hide my hand from Conrad until I find a better plan.

I still cannot believe I lost it.

I'm so stupid.

I tip toe downstairs to grab breakfast.

I reach into the cereal cupboard when I hear someone talking to me.

"Morning gorgeous, have a good day yesterday?"

I jump.


"Chill I was just saying morning."

"Uh- yeah I had a good day."

"You sound unsure."

"I gotta go see Taylor I'll be back."

I run up to Belly's room to talk to the girls.

"You have to tell him Cam, he has to find out eventually." Belly says.

"I know but how do I tell him without sounding like a terrible girlfriend."

"That's on you boo, I agree with bells. Tell him." Taylor snaps.

"Fine, I'll go right now." I sigh.

I walk to Conrad's room but before I knock someone behind me speaks.

"Can I help you?"

It was Conrad.

I jump again.

"You're awfully jumpy this morning, that means you're hiding something. Talk."

"I uh- can you sit down for this?"

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