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I thought you hated him.

The girl was getting too big for her boots. He was giving her too much power. Maybe it was a bad idea having her sit by his side. It had never been in his original plans. His original plan was to catch her, fuck her and keep her only until the baby was born. Then kill her.


What was he doing? If she loved Jacob so much, then perhaps he should lock her up with him. He could kill her in front of him. Then burn her alongside him in the same hellfire. Two lovers together forever. She wanted romance—then she could have it.

'Nobody can say I'm not merciful sometimes.' He smiled cruelly as he marched across the bridge towards his throne room.

The doors opened at his command. He could feel himself shedding his angel form as he walked down the corridor of burning pillars, growing taller, growing wider. His horns weighed his head down. It hadn't been his intention. It annoyed him how he could lose himself so easily. It was hard keeping up the pretence when he was so angry. When he was so emotional.


He'd never felt so much before. Not since he'd met the damn girl. He rustled out his leathery wings with a growl. It was pathetic. It was embarrassing.

As he climbed the steps of his podium, he scowled at her throne. With a sharp crack! a fracture carved its way through its thick, marble back.

It was time to relieve the tension. Bring me another! he commanded his Fallen. There were tens of thousands of new souls to sort through—and he was falling behind.

It took hardly any time before the first victim was dragged through the door. An unfortunate victim was the target of Lucifer's wrath. They would all pay. They would pay for his anger. They would pay for his weakness. They would pay for God's treachery.

Again and again.

The Fallen dropped the pathetic creature in the usual spot before leaving. The foul human quivered as Lucifer towered over her on his throne.

'What is your name and crime?' Lucifer's voice rumbled. His shadow expanded around the room, making the fires on the burning pillars flicker.

The human huddled closer to the floor. 'Amanda. I-I'm a liar.'

Lucifer bared his teeth. 'And still a liar. A lie by omission is still a lie. Speak up! What have you done that you're destined to cower before me?'

At the sound of footsteps, Lucifer raised his head. He hissed through his teeth. 'What are you doing here? I did not permit you ...'

His vessel stood just inside the doors, the red light from the fires blazing outside gleaming against her skin. Her bare skin.

Her naked body.

He watched quietly, gripping the arms of his throne tightly, as she approached the podium, slowly, elegantly. Her beautiful breasts bobbed up and down. Her hips swayed. Even without any effort, she could affect him. Lucifer uncrossed his legs as his balls gave a hard throb. The girl on the floor watched his engorging penis in horror, then dropped her face back to the floor, quivering.

Lucifer licked his lips. He should be angry—she should know that he didn't want to see her—but he couldn't be. Her daring was surprising. It was thrilling. It made his body reach out to her in a way that extinguished the rage in his heart.

'You did not permit me?' Stopping at the bottom of the podium, she crossed her arms. 'Do I make you angry?' And the disappointment in her voice was almost believable.

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