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Kaitlyn stood naked in front of the mirror as she studied herself. Was she already showing or was she a little fat from all the food she was eating? When was she supposed to show? She didn't even know how long into the pregnancy she was. There were no clocks. There were no calendars. But there were notebooks and pens. She could have at least been tracking the time herself. That would have been the adult thing to do. A good mother would have thought of it.

Mother. Mother. I'm going to be a mother.

Even if she knew the date, she didn't know what week she was supposed to start showing. In fact, she didn't know what to expect at all. Children had never been on her radar. A far away dream in another lifetime. A lifetime which likely still had her parents and where she was living her best life.

Wasn't she supposed to be feeling sick, emotional, hungry? When was all that supposed to start? Then again, this wasn't a normal baby, was it? Would it even look like a normal baby? The thought was terrifying.

Her hands were trembling as she laid them down upon her belly. She hadn't really had time to think what it meant for her to give birth: physically, psychologically, emotionally. Too caught up with hell and her angels and Lucifer. So much was going on she hadn't had time to really absorb what she was about to do.

I am going to be a mother. Me.

'I'm not ready.'

'You're not ready for what?'

Kaitlyn turned. Lucifer was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, leaning his shoulder casually against the frame, muscular arms folded.

He smiled. 'So beautiful. I'm so glad the prophecy chose you. Out of all the women in the world, I couldn't have asked for better.'

Kaitlyn gave a weak smile as she turned back to the mirror.

'You will be fine,' he told her, walking over. He laid his hands upon her shoulders. 'You're going to be a great mother. You'll deliver the baby beautifully.'

'Will there be pain?'

'All births come with pain—but I can help with that. Yes.' He smiled more broadly as he lowered his hands to her hips. Slowly, he smoothed his hands over her pelvis and rested them there. He nuzzled her shoulder as his blue eyes blazed back at her through the mirror.

And what will happen then? She stared at their reflection in disbelief. Disbelief not at him but at herself. Why hadn't she asked him? It was an important question. The most important question. Samuel's voice came back to her in a rush, as though from another lifetime. Which it kind of was, she thought sadly to herself. After you've given birth, he will disguise himself in your spawn's flesh, so he can escape his fiery prison as a man.

'You look scared,' Lucifer said.

Kaitlyn swallowed.

He squeezed her hips. 'Tell me what frightens you.'

'Wh-what's going to happen ... a-after ...?'

'After you give birth?'

'I-I was told that you will become ... my son.' Kaitlyn winced and shifted awkwardly beneath his touch. 'Is that true?'

'Not your son. Never your son.'

'Then what will you be?'

'I will take its form—that is all. Its muscle and skin and organs. The child is merely a disguise, nothing more. It has no soul. It has no mind. No feelings.'

Kaitlyn winced again as she rested her hands on top of Lucifer's. 'So it's kind of dead?'

'In a way. Physically it is alive.'

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