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Kaitlyn rested in bed with her hands on her chest as she stared up at the ceiling, her thoughts in turmoil, unable to get that woman's voice out of her head.

What the hell are you doing? How can you do that?!

He's evil.

Kaitlyn rolled over onto her side as she clutched at her pillow. She hadn't lied to Lucifer, she was tired, but she couldn't seem to close her eyes, too busy imagining how she must have looked riding him on his throne.

You're kissing the devil!

Kaitlyn rolled onto her other side. What had possessed her to do such a thing? Once upon a time her simple slinky black dress had been a difficult obstacle. Now, she was comfortable fucking the most menacing figure imaginable like it didn't matter. What was happening to her? Was she turning evil, just as the woman implied?

Fondling Lucifer's necklace, she thought of her grandmother, then rolled over again. She closed her eyes, only to snap them open. Annoyed with herself, she sat up with a sigh. She needed Lucifer with her. She needed him to remind her that her decision was right—that it was the only decision.

She tossed her pillow across the room, then rested back against the marble headboard, throwing her arm across her eyes. 'I'm not evil,' she reassured herself. 'I'm not even bad. And I'm certainly not as bad as that terrible woman was.'

She dropped her arm with a sigh. A tear rolled down her cheek as she gazed up at the candelabra. 'Oh, Jacob. I wish you were still with me.'

Closing her eyes, she took a shuddering breath. When she next opened them, she realised she wasn't alone.

'What the hell are you doing here?' she cried, scrambling to the other side of the bed.

It was that demon again. The one with the one eye and monkey arms. The one who kept following her. It was standing much too close by her bed, staring at her. Kaitlyn swallowed. It was slouched over, as usual, its spine crooked and bent. What was left of its skin was charred from the fires, though she could see the white gleam of bone and the shining pink of skinless tissue amid the black. The demon was foul, just like all of Lucifer's "dogs".

'I said, what are you doing here?' she snapped. 'Does your master want me for something?'

She looked around the room as though she would find him. The demon continued to stare and it was making her feel uncomfortable. Kaitlyn wrapped her arms around her breasts with a scowl. 'Stop staring!'

It blinked once, then limped across the room. When it reached the doorway, it turned to look back at her. Kaitlyn stared at it. Did it want her to follow? It continued into the hallway, knuckles dragging on the floor behind it, crooked feet thudding awkwardly. Otherwise, it was silent. Its breath didn't rattle like a man's. It didn't speak. Just a shadow among so many others.

Kaitlyn left the bed, quickly got changed and hurried after it. She paused at the door, convinced it was gone, hoping it was gone. But it was waiting for her further down the hallway, looking at her over its shoulder.

'What do you want with me?'

Without response, it turned ahead and limped along. Kaitlyn followed.

The flames crackled in their sconces as they passed. Kaitlyn glanced back anxiously towards her room. She didn't know why she should be so nervous—or cautious. It wasn't as though she was doing anything wrong.

She continued after it, careful to keep her distance. They turned into a doorway, then descended some stairs that were built into the volcanic rock, the demon's knuckles thudding behind it. They passed through another corridor. Somehow, it felt colder, the darkness blacker. Kaitlyn shivered.

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