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The next "morning" Kaitlyn stood by the edge of her bed. Lucifer was gone but she could still feel him in her backside. She could still feel him in her mouth. She could still feel the tight grip of his hands around her hips and his breath upon her neck. The sheets were sticky, the blankets rumpled. A white feather gleamed on the top cover.

Kaitlyn thought again of his strange distemper. As an angel, he liked to think himself above human emotions and yet he was one of the most emotional "people" she'd ever met. Kaitlyn looked towards the window where the fires burned. And that was the point of hell, wasn't it? A reflection of his anger, his jealousy, maybe even his grief. It surprised Kaitlyn in a way that made her hold herself. She felt sorry for him.

Kaitlyn yawned, her toes curling against the warmth of the volcanic floor as she stretched.

'You're looking beautiful today.'

She jumped and grabbed at her chest. 'Lucifer! I didn't know you were here.'

He was standing by the door leading into the dining room, his hands behind his back, chin lifted, eyes blazing into hers, no wings today. Like always, the sight of his beauty made her heart flip. He was dressed in a red shirt with a stiff collar that stood up high around his neck, similar to the black one he'd been wearing to greet her when she'd first arrived in hell.

It was a tight fit and like the last one, opened down to his navel, revealing his sculpted chest. The shoulders of the shirt ended in sharp points, reminding her of the tips of dancing flames. When he moved, veins of yellow shimmered against the torches, making it seem like he was on fire.

'Why are you all dressed up?' she said, lowering her eyes to his rather tight black pants.

'Am I? Come, I'll take you to breakfast.' He held out his hand.

'But I'm not dressed.'

Kaitlyn gasped as fabric suddenly formed around her, warm and fitting and a deep red that matched the colour of his shirt. But that wasn't the half of it. There were rings on her fingers, bracelets around her wrists. She reached up to touch her hair. It had been brushed and curled and coiffed. Instinctively, her fingertips lingered over the necklace he'd given her. She could taste lipstick.

'Come,' he said again.

The heels of her shoes clicked against the floor. As she slid her hand into his, he lifted it to his mouth and kissed it.

'What are you up to?' she asked. Lucifer rarely teased her so obviously.

'Whatever do you mean?'

'I mean ...'

He pulled her into him and suddenly his lips were against hers. Warm, soft and tender and yet so passionate. Kaitlyn's knees buckled. She tried to move her lips with his but just ended up sagging in his arms and holding onto him as he nibbled her mouth.

He touched her cheek. 'Come.'

It was hard to keep her balance as she stumbled after him into the dining room, her heels feeling like they were on angles. He gestured over at the table, at the candlelit breakfast, the elegant tablecloth and crystal glassware and the mountains of splendid food. He wouldn't stop smiling and Kaitlyn found it impossible not to smile in return.

He helped her into her seat like a gentleman, then took his own place opposite her. He popped an egg into his mouth.

'You don't eat,' she said.

'I'm eating for you. Like a real man.'

Kaitlyn stared at him, at his gleaming chest and glowing hair. His eyes had never seemed so bright. 'You could never be a real man.'

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