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Kaitlyn sat alone in the hot tub, the water bubbling around her, steam rising from the surface. She stared at the mounds of her breasts as they shone wetly. She was a bit sore but satisfied. They'd made love through the night. By the end Kaitlyn had fallen asleep before Lucifer had completely finished himself off.

When she had next opened her eyes he was gone.

Kaitlyn rested her head against the edge of the tub with a sigh. She could stay here forever. There was nothing to do. She had no work and no responsibilities, other than to look after herself.

After a while, it grew hot and Kaitlyn climbed out. After towelling herself off and getting dressed, she left both the bathroom and her bedroom and crossed into the living room further down the hall.

Slouching down onto the couch, she turned on the T.V. She clicked rapidly through the hundreds of channels as she always did, hoping for news, any news, of what was happening up above. But as usual all she could find were movies and television series. She'd asked him once, very casually, as to why that was.

He'd looked at her with a frown, staring into her eyes like he could see right through her. 'You know why.'

Kaitlyn was smart enough not to ask again.

She dropped the control with a sigh as she stretched out her legs and relaxed back into the couch, hands folded over her belly. She could feel it now—the slight swelling, the slight hardening of her tummy. She was starting to feel it in the tingling of her nipples too. There was still no nausea, which she was grateful for. In fact, other than the slight weight gain, she hardly felt pregnant at all.

Cartoons were playing. She needed something light and silly. Leaning her head back against the seat, she closed her eyes. Moments later, she snapped them open. She turned her head, staring into the shadows to her left. The flickering candlelight made it hard to see but she knew she'd heard something, like a scraping sound. Sitting up, she stared harder, her heart speeding up.

'Hello?' she said.

Something moved in the shadows. There was that scraping sound again. That familiar scraping sound, like something was being dragged across the floor. A familiar bloodied eye stared back at her as the monkey-like demon stepped out into the light.

Kaitlyn stared. It stared.

'Who are you?' she said. 'What do you want from me?'

The thing didn't answer. Instead, it sat on its haunches, its long arms resting on the floor behind it. Blood trickled out of its empty eye socket. It had no lips and its teeth were clenched hard together. It swayed as it struggled to keep itself upright, its crooked spine making things difficult.

It looked towards the door, then back at her.

'I can't. I can't risk it. I won't.' Kaitlyn folded her arms.

It stared at her before standing again and limping over towards the door, knuckles dragging behind it.

'I won't follow, so you might as well stop now.'

It didn't turn back, vanishing through the doorway. Kaitlyn sat on the edge of her seat. Shrieking laughter echoed from the television. She turned to look at it. Picking up the control, she turned up the volume and nestled back into the couch. But she couldn't stop herself from glancing at the door. She got the distinct feeling that it was out in the hall waiting for her. That somehow it knew her curiosity, her uncertainty, her suspicions. That she would follow.

'I won't,' she told herself. 'It's not worth it.'

And yet she glanced at the doorway again. With a sigh, she put down the control and made her way across the room. She peered into the hallway. She was right; it was there. Waiting for her. A small, awkward shape in the shadows.

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