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It was embarrassing to be around her angels the next day, knowing that Catherine would have relaid what had happened. Kaitlyn sat staring at her breakfast, no appetite and feeling so tired her head kept drooping.

She'd hardly slept last night, her thoughts tortured. She touched her necklace as her heart beat hard. Once, she'd relied on her grandmother's necklace to give her courage. Now, it was Lucifer's necklace that filled her with worry.

Later that morning, she showered. It was a meagre and tiny little bathroom that had little hot water. So different to Lucifer's lavish surroundings and bubbling hot tub. She didn't miss it, though. She didn't miss anything about hell. Except Lucifer himself—though she didn't like to admit it.

She hadn't bled much overnight but when she washed herself, a string of clotted blood vanished down the drain. Kaitlyn watched it silently. All that was left of Satan's infamous prophecy, now washed away forever. It was a good thing, of course, and yet Kaitlyn held her face in the water as her tears also washed away.

She felt dirty. She hated herself. A good person wouldn't feel regret. Switching off the water, she towelled herself down.

She was sitting out in the courtyard sunning herself when Zeke walked up to her. He was back into the routine of wearing his sweater, hood pulled over his face, hands jammed into his pockets.

'What is it?' she said.

'We have visitors.'

Gripping her knees, Kaitlyn leaned back. 'More priests, I suspect? Come to tell me what they're going to do with me? The nuisance that I am.'

'We don't have to do this now, if you are not ready.'

'I'd rather just get it done and be on with my life.'

'I'll be there with you.'

Kaitlyn stood with a sigh. 'Let's go then.'

Zeke guided her to a room that led off from the nave. Bracing herself as she stood before the door, Kaitlyn took a moment to look around her. It was a mid-sized church with colourful stained-glass windows. A long green rug ran the length of the aisle between the pews. Light gleamed against the large crucifix fixed to the wall behind the altar. The front doors were shut tight, unusual for this time of day. No visitors allowed. Not when Satan's bride was about.

Zeke gripped her shoulder.

Kaitlyn opened the door and stepped inside. It was a small room, a little gloomy with one small window partly shuttered. Three men turned to face her. One was standing by the window, his hands behind his back. The two others were sitting at a table, hands folded in front of them. Their black robes always made them seem forbidding. Kaitlyn tried not to bite her lip. It was the first time she'd been in the company of a human since her escapade into hell.

Their eyes lingered over her face a little too long, perhaps wondering what was so special or so wrong with her that Satan had chosen her above every other fertile woman on the planet. They could look as long as they liked but they would have no hope in figuring it out. Kaitlyn still didn't know.

Then she remembered that Satan hadn't made the choice at all. God had.

Their eyes turned to Zeke as he followed her inside. He took up position in the back corner, his hood pulled low over his face. They tried not to show their amazement, but it was obvious. Kaitlyn smiled. Even after all this time, she was no less amazed by her angels.

Both men at the table stood. They were smiling. The younger of the two gestured for her to sit. The light from the window gleamed against the golden cross on the thick chain around his neck. Kaitlyn pulled out a chair and joined them. The seat was hard and cold.

Satan's QueenWhere stories live. Discover now