Chapter Two: The First Assignment

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Ethan couldn't believe his eyes. Standing in front of him was his old classmate from Starfleet Academy, T'Vrell. The Vulcan woman who he had worked on many projects with during their time at the Academy. They had both trained for science positions, but while Ethan enrolled in the Command Training Program, T'Vrell became an Ensign in the Science Division onboard a Galaxy Class Star Ship and the two of them had lost touch. Ethan then realised what Admiral Quinn meant by his Chief Science Officer's identity being a surprise and said "Oh I see. Since my Chief Science Officer is an old classmate of mine, you wanted to surprise me." Admiral Quinn nodded and said "She was one of the officers suggested for this position. When I found out that the two of you went to Starfleet academy together, I decided to have her assigned to the Apollo so that you two could reconnect. I also thought it would be nice to surprise you two." T'Vrell walked over to Captain Rivers and the Admiral and said "When I was told that the name of my commanding officer was going to be revealed to me when I met him, I found it logical to assume that it was someone I had never met before. I did not suspect it would be you Ethan." Ethan agreed and said "Tell me about it. By the way how have you been?" T'Vrell was quick to answer "I have been doing well since graduating from the Academy. I have served on three ships thus far and I recently got promoted to Lieutenant as a reward for proving that an extinct species of whale on Ferenginar was in fact not. When I was offered the position of Science Officer onboard this ship, I decided to do so as this is a ship that was commissioned only six months ago. I found it logical to serve on a ship that had only recently been built because I would have access to the latest equipment Starfleet had to offer."

Ethan could tell not just by that unrecognisable face and hair that this was the T'Vrell he had met at Starfleet Academy and said "Same old T'Vrell. Always wanting to study with the latest tech." T'Vrell then remembered how she had seen Ethan on the news at Captain Mack Taggert's funeral and said "I saw you on the news at Captain Taggert's funeral and I must admit that I found your speech...heart warming, as you would put it." Ethan then asked "What exactly do you think of the Romulan Republic? I mean they have just gotten recognition from the Federation and the Klingon Empire at Khitomer." T'Vrell answered "I find much logic in what D'Tan is saying. The Vulcan and Romulan people were one race long ago and we can be again. While I do find it logical to assume that reunification will happen in our lifetime, I find it illogical to assume that it will happen immediately." Ethan agreed and said "Yeah tell me about. It could be years before reunification takes place. Plus it would be three counting the Remans so that's a whole other thing entirely."

Admiral Quinn then decided to get on with the tour and said "While this is a very nice reunion, we still need to see the Bridge." Ethan agreed and said "Yes Sir. Would you like to come along T'Vrell?" T'Vrell thought for a moment and said "I have just completed my analysis on our Dilithium, so I find it logical to do so." Ethan then said with a smile on his face "Alright then. Let's get going."

Ethan, T'Vrell and Admiral Quinn then all exited the Science Lab and made their way to the Turbolift. As they entered Admiral Quinn said "The Bridge." The Turbolift then started going up at high speeds and after just three minutes, arrived at the Bridge. As the three of them entered, a black woman with a right side mohawk and water wave crochet braids as a hair style stood up and said "Captain on the Bridge." Admiral Quinn walked forward and said "Captain Rivers. This is Commander Alisha Flores. She'll be your first officer." The two shook hands and Ethan said "Nice to meet you Commander." Alisha then noticed T'Vrell and asked "Sir, why is the Chief Science Officer here Sir?" Ethan then explained "Me and T'Vrell went to the Academy together. I thought we might do the rest of the tour together." Admiral Quinn then explained "As you can see the Bridge is fairly simple, with the Captain and Commander's chair in the centre, the pilot's chair in front and the Lieutenants chairs all around the Bridge." In the Tactical Officer's station was a Klingon with red stripes and the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Ethan could tell that this was Voq, who walked over and said "Sir. I am Voq. Chief Tactical Officer of the U.S.S Apollo." The two shook hands and said "It's an honour to have a Klingon as my Chief Tactical Officer. I've always admired your warrior prowess and your honour based culture." Voq had a large grin on his face as he said "It will be an honour to represent my people in Starfleet." Ethan agreed and said "Of course the other nine Klingons on this ship will be sharing that honour with you. Now let's get the rest of the Bridge Crew up here."

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