Chapter Five: The Gamma Quadrant

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August 17th 2410

"Captains Log: Star Date 387373.019. It has been two days since we got stranded in the Gamma Quadrant by the wormhole created by the Iconian Sphere and repairs are just a few hours away from being complete. All crew are accounted for and those injured are being healed by the medical team led by Doctor Crawford Bernard. Due to the extensive number of injured that amounts to at least a third of the Crew, the EMH has been running continuously and has been passionately referred to as "Doc" by the Crew. Lieutenant Commander Voq continues to prepare everyone for a potential encounter with the True Way, or some other dangerous alien race that has not been discovered here in the Gamma Quadrant. Speaking of the Gamma Quadrant, the Crew has taken the news that we are stranded here with shock and denial. Some in the Science Division believe that it might be possible for us to recreate the Wormhole and return home. But T'Vrell has confirmed that it won't be possible without an Iconian Sphere. So unfortunately we have to face the facts and begin a long journey home. The question is, what direction do we go to get home?"

Ethan pressed the button on his personal computer and the Log stopped. Ethan then spun around on his chair to face out the window of his ready room and saw the countless stars stretching into an endless abyss. Ethan knew that any one of those stars could host a civilisation and that he had to get the Apollo home somehow. No crewmember on the ship wanted to spend forty years travelling back home to their families if it was going to be that long before they saw them again. So Ethan had to think of a way to get the Crew back to their families in a shorter time. Then, in the distance Ethan saw an ion storm and said "Such a beautiful sight. Reminds me of the Bajoran Wormhole." In that moment Ethan realised that there was a potentially quicker way of returning to the Alpha Quadrant and said "Computer. How far from our coordinates is the Gamma Quadrant end of the Bajoran Wormhole?" The Computer immediately answered "Thirty thousand lightyears." Ethan knew exactly what to do as he pressed his Com Badge and said "Captain Rivers to the Bridge Crew. I think I know how to get us all home. Meet me at the Conference Room at 1400 hours."

Half an hour later, the entire Bridge Crew was assembled in the Conference Room, ready to hear what Captain Rivers had to say. There was Lieutenant Commander Voq, the Apollo's Chief Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Toral Laren, the Chief Engineer, Ensign William Jackson, the pilot, Lieutenant T'Vrell, Chief Science Officer and Commander Alisha Flores, First Officer of the Apollo. As they all sat down on their chairs, Captain Rivers said "Thank you all for coming. Now I have called us here to discuss how we can get home. Since we made the announcement that we were trapped here in the Gamma Quadrant, the Crew has been thinking up ways for us to return home as fast as possible. For example, some in the Science Division believe that we should try and create a new wormhole that will get us home immediately. Isn't that right T'Vrell?" T'Vrell answered "Yes. However it is impossible without an Iconian Sphere. So wormholes is out of the question." Ethan then corrected T'Vrell saying "Not entirely old friend. I was looking at the ion storm nearby and couldn't help but see it as familiar to the Bajoran Wormhole and that gave me a realisation." The Bridge Officers were intrigued and filled with hope as Ethan explained "While headed straight back to the Alpha Quadrant would take about forty years, headed to the Bajoran Wormhole would take only thirty. That's ten years less and when we arrive at the Wormhole, we will instantly get sent back to the Alpha Quadrant."

Looks of hope filled the Bridge Officers as they heard Ethan's proposal. Hopeful to see his family again, Voq said "Now that is an idea Captain." T'Vrell had been guided by logic all her life and logic told her to take the fastest route home possible. The Bajoran Wormhole was further away from the Alpha Quadrant yes and it was on the other side of the Galaxy. But it lead straight to the Alpha Quadrant and was confirmed stable by Starfleet Science. So T'Vrell said "It is a quicker route back to the Alpha Quadrant and therefor the more logical one to take." William agreed and said "Yes. It may take us thirty years, but at least it's shorter than taking the long way home." Laren, being a devout believer in the Prophets, said with a tone of hope in her voice "I've always wanted to go through the Bajoran Wormhole. It's said that the Prophets live there." Caring more about getting home than the story of the Prophets, William said "I think I'd prefer getting home than meeting a God. No offense Laren." Commander Flores found both options undesirable. She didn't want to spend so much as another day away from her family back home. So she said "Maybe we should try and get home as fast as possible? We should try and search for potentially more powerful Warp engines that can accelerate our journey."

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