Chapter Three: The Badlands

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August 15th 2410

"Captain's Log: Star Date 387378.495. It has been two days since we arrived in the Badlands, three planets have been surveyed thus far and have all proven to be Class-D planets, unsuitable for colonisation or terraforming. Probably due to the constant plasma storms outside as T'Vrell has hypothesised. We are now headed to a planet where the Maquis were known to hide out on during their rebellion against the Cardassian Union. A veteran from the Dominion War who fought with the Maquis before joining Starfleet confirmed that while no food could grow there without the soil being constantly sprayed with purifier gas, the air was, and hopefully still is, breathable and the water could be drunk if purified. We're hoping that this is still the case and perhaps the Federation could find a prime site to terraform and colonise. That is if the planet hasn't been reduced to an uninhabitable husk by the plasma storms."

As Ethan finished the Captain's Log, he looked out the window in his ready room to see plasma storms everywhere and a few planets in the distance. Ethan found it strange how those planets were still in one piece considering the constant plasma storms. As he pondered about what kind of life might be able to survive such brutal conditions, the voice of Commander Flores say on his Com Badge "Commander Flores to Captain Rivers. We are approaching the planet that the Maquis once used. Please come to the Bridge." Ethan pressed his Com Badge and said "Acknowledged." Ethan then got up and headed straight for the Bridge, where the rest of the Bridge Crew were waiting for him.

As Bridge walked through the doors to the Bridge, he saw the planet ahead through the viewscreen and could see that it was not like the other planets they had seen in the Badlands. The planet, named "Harold's Hope" by the Maquis, had an atmosphere and although difficult to see, it was clear that there were a few seas here and there. Ethan walked down, sat in his chair next to Alisha and said "Any sign of life?" T'Vrell checked the scans on her console and said "Aside from a few small animals that appear similar to pigs and other small species of birds, along with large predatorial animals that seem to hunt these creatures, I am not detecting much animal life. Plant life also appears to consist only of grass and nothing else. Therefor due to the lack of biodiversity and the unbreathable air across the western and southern hemispheres, it is logical to classify this planet as a Class-H planet." Lieutenant Commander Voq looked on from his station and said "It amazes me that they survived there. But it also impresses me that they faced the dangers of that planet with the courage of Klingons." Ensign Jackson looked over at Voq and said "Yeah well, no offense Voq, but I'm not exactly a "courageous Klingon" as you would put it."

Ethan then looked at T'Vrell and said "You know T'Vrell, back at the Academy I used to talk about how searching for intelligent alien life would be exciting. I'd be willing to see any sort of intelligent life in the Badlands. Even if they were thousands of years away from developing Warp drives." Upon hearing Ethan mention Warp drives, Lieutenant Toral Laren said "Captain it appears that Warp drives is exactly what we're going to find today. Scans show that Warp drives were recently activated in this sector of the Badlands." Intrigued, Ethan said "Did they come from this planet?" Laren checked the scans again and said "Yes Captain. They came from around the eastern hemisphere at the base of two twin mountains. Each one about the size of an Earth mountain called Mount Everest." Ethan stroked his chin and said under his breath "Everest Twin Mountains." Ethan then looked at Laren again and asked "Is it possible for us to get view of those mountains?" Laren answered "Yes Captain. Bringing up" The viewscreen then changed to show that at the bottom of the Everest Twin Mountains there was what appeared to be an encampment. There were a few hanger bays, some landing pads and a building, but practically nothing else. Ethan stood up and said "Do scans show anything electrical?" T'Vrell checked the scans and said "No Captain. There is nothing electrical at the encampment. I am also not detecting any life signs so it is logical to assume that no one is there." Ethan then began walking to the Turbolift as he said "Alisha, your in charge until me, T'Vrell and Laren get back from an away mission. Mister Jackson, bring the ship into transporter range of the planet." As William began to pilot the ship in transporter range, T'Vrell and Laren got into the Turbolift with Ethan as he said "Transporter room one." The Turbolift then began going down towards the Transporter room, where the away team would be transported to the planet below.

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