Chapter Thirty Six: Reunion with Starfleet

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September 28th 2413

"Rear Admiral's Log: Star Date 390258.027. It's been five days, almost a week, since we had fifteen years cut from our journey. With the Bajoran Wormhole only two years away from us morale has been raised across the entire Fleet and many are hopeful that we will soon come into contact with the Fleet sent to find us. We were hopeful that we would immediately get into contact with Vice Admiral Chakotay and his Fleet, but we have made no such contact yet. In fact, Admiral Quinn just informed us that contact with the Fleet has been completely lost. The Fleet has been ordered to have weapons at the ready in case we encounter anything serious and sensors are on maximum to try and find the Fleet."

In their quarters, Ethan and T'Vrell were spending some much needed quality time with Lucas. Who had just managed to learn the meaning of what his parents were saying. Ethan was holding Lucas in his arms and pointed to his son's right foot and said "Foot." Lucas understood and looked at his foot. Ethan then pointed at his right arm and said "Arm." Lucas understood again and looked at his arm. Although he could not understand much, he was starting to understand basic words and their meanings. T'Vrell was also pleased, as shown when she said "Our son can now understand what we say. It is logical to assume that he will start to repeat them as any child would." Ethan agreed and said "Yes. In a few months he'll be talking with ease." Ethan's com badge then suddenly came alive as a channel opened and the voice of Lieutenant Toral Laren said "Rear Admiral. We've detected the fleet sent to find us and should be approaching them any minute now." Ethan stood up and said "Computer, activate the babysitting holographic program." The hologram appeared and said "Time to babysit." in an excited voice. Ethan and T'Vrell then left for the Bridge, so that they could finally meet with Vice Admiral Chakotay and Captain Harry Kim.

Commander Alisha Flores had long wondered if she would ever meet any Starfleet legends. She had heard stories of Voyager's journey through the Delta Quadrant and had long since dreamed of meeting members of the Voyager Crew. Now she was going to meet two vitally important members for the first time ever! She was very excited and got even more excited as Ethan and T'Vrell entered and Lieutenant Commander Voq said "Rear Admiral on the Bridge." Alisha got in the Commander's chair as Ethan got in the Rear Admiral's chair and said "How long until we establish visual contact with the Fleet?" Ensign Jackson checked his scans and said "Around a minute Sir. Maybe less." Ethan then looked at Jodem and confidently said "Ensign Tal. Open a channel to the Pathfinder and let them know that we are ready to hightail it back to the Alpha Quadrant together." Jodem attempted to open a hail, but there was no answer. Seeing this, Ethan asked "Why aren't they answering?" Laren checked her scans on her console and said in a shocked voice upon seeing the results "Rear Admiral. Scans show that they've been severely damaged! They only have ship to ship communications and their shields are practically gone!" Ethan's confident smile disappeared as he asked "What?" An eerie silence fell upon the Bridge Crew, but then William detected the Fleet in visual range and said "Rear Admiral, the Fleet is in visual range. Bringing them" The viewscreen then changed to show the Armstrong Fleet ahead of the Gamma Quadrant Exploratory Fleet and what the Bridge Crew saw made them almost gasp in shock. The Pathfinder, Rhode Island, Homecoming and the two Romulan Republic ships sent to find them were there. But they were heavily damaged, with parts of the hull on the brink of breaking off and there being barely anything left of the shields.

Horrified at what he was seeing, yet determined to uncover the truth, Ethan said "Hail them." Jodem obliged and opened a channel. The viewscreen then changed to show the Bridge of the U.S.S Pathfinder and Vice Admiral Chakotay facing the Bridge Crew of the Apollo. The Bridge of the Pathfinder was in terrible condition, with pieces of wall plating having fallen off and small pieces of rubble across the floor. Chakotay was in no better condition either. His left arm was broken and in a cast, he was bleeding from above his right eye and he looked exhausted and horrified at whatever they had encountered. Ethan quickly stood up upon seeing Vice Admiral Chakotay and asked "Vice Admiral! What in the name of Zefram Cochrane happened?" Chajotay coughed a bit and said "The Cardassian Empire. That's what happened." Ethan froze in horror. He knew that they would soon encounter the Cardassian Empire, but he never knew that the Armstrong Fleet would find them first and barely make it out alive. Ethan then asked in a shocked voice "You found the Cardassians?" Chakotay silently nodded, confirming what he had already said: The Cardassian Empire had been discovered and they had shown themselves to be a dangerous enemy.

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