Chapter Twenty Seven: Promotion

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September 13th 2412

"Captain's Log: Star Date 389299.096. It's been two days since we crossed the Georgiou Wormhole and moved ten thousand lightyears closer to the Bajoran Wormhole. While headed through Ada saved us all by repairing the badly damaged Warp Core and we also discovered the Ferengi Shuttle belonging to Arridor and Kol, the same two Ferengi who conned the people of a primitive planet in the Delta Quadrant into thinking them as gods. When they went through the Barzan Wormhole it started jumping around on both ends before settling down and becoming what is now known as the Georgiou Wormhole. The two Ferengi had perished while going through, as evident by their skeletons being found in the shuttle. But that wasn't the most shocking thing of all. Somehow the Apollo was duplicated twice, creating two ships identical to it. Fortunately the Crew wasn't duplicated, thank goodness, but the ship and everything on it was duplicated. We've towed the two additional ships next to the Apollo and have been discussing what to do with them. But there is another very exciting detail that the Crew is thrilled about: T'Vrell has given birth to a son."

Inside sickbay Ethan was holding his infant son in his arms. Ethan had been waiting for this day for months, he had a son, he was a father and T'Vrell was a mother. Their son had Ethan's eyes and face and he had his mother's hair and ears. Being a Human-Vulcan hybrid he was in a way his own species and despite initial worries from Ethan regarding his well being, he was perfectly healthy. As Ethan cradled their son in his arms, T'Vrell said "My parents will be most pleased to hear of this." Ethan agreed and said "So will mine. I wonder what they will think of having a half Vulcan grandson?" T'Vrell thought for a moment, considering the possibilities and said "Based on your description of your mother she will likely be understanding. But I believe the same cannot be said for your father." As Ethan laid a small kiss on his son's forehead he said "By the way what are we going to name him?" T'Vrell, adhering to an old family tradition, then answered "In my family it is said that a new child should be named after the parent of the same gender. So I believe you should name him." Ethan thought in silent for a few moments, considering what to name his son. He thought for about a minute before answering "Lucas. It means "bringer of light" in some ancient Earth language." T'Vrell agreed to the name and said "Very well. Lucas it is then."

As Ethan handed "Lucas" back to his mother to be breast fed, a channel opened up and Ensign Jodem Tal's voice said "Captain. We have achieved full communication with Starfleet. Admiral Quinn is on a visual channel in your ready room." Ethan pressed on his com badge and said "I'll be right over Ensign." Ethan then placed his hand on T'Vrell's shoulder and said "Got to go. But I'll be back to help with Lucas." The two then kissed and Ethan left as T'Vrell started breast feeding Lucas.

As Ethan arrived in his ready room and sat down on his chair he thought about Lucas and what life would be like for him since he was half Vulcan and half Human. The question of where Lucas would be raised also burned in Ethan's mind. "Would Lucas be better off raised on Earth or on Vulcan?" he thought. In the first case Lucas would be surrounded by a race that was accepting of all other races and would be in touch with his Human side. But he would have reduced contact with his Vulcan people and it would be difficult for him to interact with his own culture. In the second case he would be in touch with his Vulcan side and would learn to put logic ahead of emotion. But he would be far from Earth and Ethan's parents would have to travel far to see Lucas. In either case Lucas's Human and Vulcan sides would create a harmonious balance of logic and emotion, thus allowing him to embrace both species as his own. Ethan thought about how Lucas could serve as a bridge between both peoples, much like Ambassador Spock who had been missing, presumed dead ever since the Hobus Supernova in 2387.

Ethan sat down in his chair and pulled up his computer screen to see the face of Admiral Jorel Quinn. Admiral Quinn looked relieved to see Ethan as he said "Captain Rivers! Boy am I glad to see you after an entire year." Ethan felt similar relief as he said "Indeed Admiral. It's been a tough two years since we got stranded in the Gamma Quadrant." Admiral Quinn then brought up a hologram sent to him by Doctor Bernard of Ethan and T'Vrell's son and said "By the way congratulations on the baby." Ethan smiled at the hologram of Lucas and said "Thank you sir." Admiral Quinn then remembered the Georgiou Wormhole and asked "By the way how was your trip through the Georgiou Wormhole?" Ethan sounded a bit awkward as he said "Well Sir, about that." Admiral Quinn could tell that something had happened from the look on his face and asked "What happened with this wormhole Captain?" Ethan took a deep breath in and said "Going through at Maximum Warp duplicated the ship twice. Everything on it, but not the Crew, was duplicated as well." Admiral Quinn looked like he had heard something completely ridiculous and asked "What are you talking about?" to confirm what he had just heard. Ethan turned the computer to face the window at the right side of the room and this allowed Admiral Quinn to see that there in fact was another U.S.S Apollo right next to the original!

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