Chapter Twelve: The End of the Reptarian Empire

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"Captain's Log: Supplemental. The Warp Core scans have been successfully destroyed by Ada, just in time too, as the Reptarian Empire was developing a missile based off the scans that could destroy an entire ship in moments. Ada was able to destroy the missile, causing it to explode and destroy the entire station. What was more surprising was that the shockwave also destroyed or damaged the Imperial ships beyond repair. This of course has shown the Reptarian Free State, the Drakor Alliance and the Shalari Republic what could happen if advanced technologies got into the wrong hands and I am hopeful that it will result in the establishment of a Prime Directive in each of the aforementioned nations. In the meantime the Capital City of Reptaria has been occupied after just four hours of heavy fighting and the Emperor has announced that he will be surrendering immediately."

Captain Ethan Rivers, Lieutenant T'Vrell, Commander Alisha Flores, Lieutenant Toral Laren, Lieutenant Commander Voq and Ensign William Jackson were all walking up the steps of the Imperial Palace with the Commanders of the military forces that had begun the liberation of Reptaria from the Empire at long last. Although only the Capital City of Lizarus and the cities that surrounded it had been occupied, military forces all over the planet were surrendering to Allied Forces without firing any bullets at all. But there were still pockets of resistance against the Allied Forces and they were expected to last for many months following the initial invasion. But little did any one know that they would only last for three weeks following the footage that would be broadcasted across what remained of the Reptarian Empire and the Reptarian Free State on live television.

As the Senior Officers of the U.S.S Apollo and the Commanders of the Allied Forces walked up the steps to the Imperial Palace, Ethan noticed the design of the palace included painting on the outside that made it look like it had reptilian skin and the statues of leaders past stood tall at the entrance to the Palace. As they all stopped at the Palace gates, General Kataro of the Reptarian Free Army said in a mad voice "Emperor Lazar! Come out this instant to accept the terms of unconditional surrender!" A few moments passed before the five metre tall doors were opened by two servants and the entire Imperial Family stepped out. Emperor Lazar's children were well dressed and looked very respectable and polite, while their mother wore a large and lavish gown that was as green as her skin. As for the Emperor himself, he wore a uniform with many medals that made him look like a military dictator and he wore a necklace around his neck that had a golden medal hanging from it to symbolise his status as Emperor.

At the bottom of the steps were thousands upon thousands of Imperial citizens who had lived their lives impoverished, oppressed and exploited by the upper class nobility and they were not happy one bit to see the Emperor. They were hysterical. Screams and boos echoed the crowd as people shouted out and declared their hatred for the Emperor. Chants of "Stone him! Stone him! Stone him!" also echoed the Palace grounds and Emperor Lazar did not look surprised to hear any of it.

General Kataro stepped forward to the Emperor and said "Emperor Lazar. You have ruled the Reptarian Empire for ten years and those ten years have been filled with nothing but tyranny. While you and your nobles have stuffed yourselves with food and drink, the people have starved and seven years ago, we decided that we were sick and tired of your rule as Emperor and established the glorious Reptarian Free State to end your rule. By the unanimous decision of the Reptarian Senate, you are hereby deposed as Emperor and now you shall sign your abdication and surrender...immediately."

Two soldiers of the Reptarian Free Army then marched up the steps with a stand that had the abdication papers on them. They placed it in front of the Emperor and General Kataro angrily said "Sign the papers and MAYBE you will be allowed to see your children while in prison." Emperor Lazar knew that there was no way out of this. Ever since the disastrous "Battle of Leonidia" in which just three Reptarian Free Navy Destroyers eradicated a fleet of thirty Imperial Marauders, he had been in denial that they were losing and had become desperate to win the War. His last hope was that the Warp Missile could become the turning point, but that had failed. There was now literally no hope that the Empire could win, because it had already lost.

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